Pick of the Pix
Galle Face: Marching to the beat of a daily routine

Pettah: Masks a bare necessity

Marawila: Rare bloomKatuwavala: On a tricycle made to sell her wares
Galle Face: Marching to the beat of a daily routine
Pettah: Masks a bare necessity
Marawila: Rare bloomKatuwavala: On a tricycle made to sell her wares
Mundalama: Off the beaten path
Pelawatte: With a ladder perched on his bicycle this man attends to repairs on electrical posts along the walking track that runs parallel to the Japan Sri Lanka Friendship Road. Pic by H.K. Wijeratne Samsung Galaxy M20 smart-phone
Shutter-bugs out there, we would once again appreciate your contributions to this picture corner. Please send your captioned photograph along with your name, and the location of the photograph, to: We would also appreciate if you mention the camera or cellphone that was used. Pelawatte:Getting a beakful Pic by Chandani Kirinde Nikon D-90 Camara