Women will not reach parity at the pinnacle of power for another 130 years, predicts UN

UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – The United Nations says the highest levels of political power remain the furthest from achieving gender parity in an increasingly male-dominated power structure worldwide. Women serve as Heads of State or Government in only 23 countries (10 women Heads of State and 13 women Heads of Government out of 193 UN [...]
Reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic and the rational path to modernisation

Despite the carping criticism, particularly from the social media, Sri Lanka is one of the few countries which have survived the Corona epidemic relatively unscathed. According to the latest figures available while writing this article, 85,695 persons have tested positive for the virus in Sri Lanka and more than 80,000 have finished their quarantine period. [...]
Law and order: Money and power

In my previous article headlined ‘Law and order: not for the people’, I outlined the absence of law and order and the prevalence of disorder. Here I mean to outline the power that money and finance wield over law and order. Financing is big business today. Litigation has entered the realm of high finance, accruing [...]
NMRA signs agreement with Moratuwa Uni to design new building and National QA lab

The National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) signed an Agreement with the Moratuwa University on Friday (March 12) to start the design process for its proposed new office complex and the new science facility for the National Medicines Quality Assurance Laboratory (NMQAL). The Moratuwa University has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers to function as [...]
India’s smart vaccine diplomacy
NEW DELHI – As countries scramble to secure COVID-19 vaccines, ugly expressions like “vaccine race” and “vaccine nationalism” have entered the global lexicon. But, at a time when global cooperation in sharing vaccines is minimal, and the World Health Organisation’s vaccine-distribution plans are yet to get off the ground, India has taken a different tack, [...]