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My dear Gota maamey, I though of writing to you this week because everyone was so worried about that ‘match’ that was played in Geneva, where the Human Rights chaps at the United Nations were trying to censure us for the way in which we won the war 12 years ago – and also for [...]
The fault is not in Geneva but in ourselves

Come March every year, Sri Lanka has been the subject of a great deal of unfavourable attention from the international community with regard to its Human Rights record. With the conclusion of the armed conflict in May 2009, attention at the sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council has repeatedly been drawn to alleged [...]
Currency swaps to boost foreign reserves

The Government is confident that it could tide over the current foreign currency difficulties by obtaining currency swaps. Currency swaps are useful to reduce the looming external financial vulnerability and improve the balance of payments. They are a necessary palliative to tide over the current crisis. The government expects a favourable balance of payments outcome [...]
Government must answer for the creeping ‘Myanmar-isation’ of the state

If the Government of Sri Lanka wants to congratulate itself which it seems to be desperately seeking to do on the (inevitable) passing of United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution 46/1 in Geneva this week, it may do so for having irrevocably internationalised the prime duty of the State to protect its citizens in accordance [...]
Lankan Govt on UN notice: ‘Big Brother is watching you’

The United Nation’s watchdog on human rights, the UNHRC, this week put the Government of Lanka in the dog house and warned: ‘From henceforth, everything you say, every move you make will be monitored and held against you in any future legal proceedings. We will be watching you.’ This was the blunt message delivered to [...]
New math and ganang karayas

The more I am inundated with tales from Colombo about the post-Geneva pantomimes the more entertaining it is, restricted of movement as one is with this wretched virus that has kept me locked up for months on end now. In fact this ongoing tragicomedy — as it has turned out to be — started weeks [...]
How it came tumbling down at the UNHRC in Geneva
Foreign Minister calls the Resolution “illegal” after its adoption A new Secretariat in Geneva to probe “future” violations of human rights India abstains disproving Foreign Secretary Colombage’s claims Lack of professionalism in diplomacy a main cause The worst ever resolution on Sri Lanka by a world body, since the country’s independence 73 years ago, passed [...]
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