Victory and defeat in Geneva

Victory and defeat have many faces subject to how we view them. Who won or lost at the Sri Lanka UNHCR stakes at Geneva last week? It is considered as a victory by some for Sri Lanka, particularly by supporters of the Rajapaksa government. The resolution presented for the Western powers ‘core group’ led by [...]
Law for Prosperity – the democratic socialist version
In my previous article, I dealt with the President’s call to law and order for prosperity. This article seeks to throw some clearer light on the President’s suggestion. Some repetitions are made to bring the subject into context and for the benefit of those who may not have read the previous article. Law for Prosperity [...]
The travails of finance ministers

At the beginning of this month, I was taken aback to read that no less a person than former French President Nicholas Sarkozy has been sentenced to three years in jail for corruption. Sarkozy was convicted, two years after he left office in 2012, of trying to bribe a judge in order to obtain information [...]
Deforestation is a threat to national security

When the forests are cut down, less moisture is evaporated into the atmosphere, resulting in the formation of fewer rain clouds. Subsequently, there is a decline in rainfall, subjecting the area to drought. If rains stop falling, within a few years the area can become arid with the strong tropical sun baking down on the [...]
UNHRC Resolution on Lanka: Why no such resolution for US-UK war crimes in Iraq

The United Kingdom-initiated UN Human Rights Council resolution calls on Sri Lanka to account for its alleged human rights abuses and deliver justice to the victims of the 30 year civil war. The resolution on Sri Lanka is the direct outcome of Sri Lankan government’s short-sighted policies and blunders. However, the question is why there [...]
UNFPA-HelpAge partnership for vulnerable ageing population

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and HelpAge Sri Lanka (HASL) recently signed an agreement to strengthen the livelihoods of senior citizens and other vulnerable population in Sri Lanka. The objective of the agreement was to strengthen disaster preparedness in elderly citizens and the building capacities of countrywide Senior Citizen Committees (SCC) in vulnerable areas [...]
Lion Raja Sinnathuray felicitated for 47 years of Lionism

The Lions Club International Distict 306 A-1 held a felicitation ceremony at its activity centre in Colombo for Senior Lions completing 30 years as members. Lion Rajah Sinnathuray (left) was presented a gift in recognition of his 47 years in Lionism and more than 35 years as sergeant-at-arms at conventions and multiple council conventions. He [...]
NUSS, ITF reaches out to Baghya

The National Union of Seafarers Sri Lanka (NUSS) and the International Transport workers’ Federation (ITF) handed over Rs. 50,000 to Baghya Abeyrathna to help her in future studies and as an appreciation of her crusade to protect the environment.
Child with a psychological disorder: Desperate parents seek help
Life turned into a nightmare for Chandrasiri Silva, a poor cultivator, when his school-going son fell ill. The 14-year-old boy became increasingly restless and showed signs of a psychological disorder. The panic-stricken parents took the child to hospital and doctors diagnosed his condition as ‘depression’. That was way back in 2016, and since then, it [...]
Kandy opens cellular centre

KANDY opened a cellular communication centre at its Nugegoda branch last Saturday. From the highly sophisticated to the ordinary normal, cellular phones of world recognised brands can be purchased at this centre at reasonable prices, a media release said.
The US-Russia ties hit rock bottom

NEW YORK (IDN) — The United States-Russia relations that flourished for decades—even during the Cold War—and benefited both parties have irreversibly damaged. Tensions between the two superpowers escalated over allegations that range from the Russian interference in US elections, the SolarWinds cyberattacks, and Washington’s demands that Russia free the jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. Russia [...]
Why we need to revive DS policies for nation building

It has been 69 years since the Father of the Nation, Don Stephen Senanayake, passed away. His death anniversary fell on Monday, March 22. He helmed the final phase of our struggle for freedom from colonial occupation, but I was not present then to experience his leadership first-hand. However, through reading his words and about [...]
With his action and speeches, the erudite Mahanayake spread the light of Dhamma

It is with profound grief that I came to know about the passing away of the Most Venerable Aggamaha Panditha Kotugoda Dhammavasa Mahanayake Thera in the early hours of March 22. The incomparable services he rendered to the Buddha Sasana, both nationally and internationally, come to my mind at this time. It will be difficult [...]
The vaccination gap is jeopardising climate action
PARIS – Will negotiators from the Global South be barred from attending the United Nations climate summit (COP26) in Glasgow in November because they are not vaccinated against COVID-19? This scenario will not arise, one hopes, because developing-country officials will almost certainly receive their shots in advance. But whether they will want to negotiate with [...]