Malwatte meetings, where the seeds of a struggle were sown

Under a spreading tree, ebullient youth gathered in the malwatte. Among them were fresh-faced university students and other young men, all giving ear for five long days, to passionate and eloquent speeches. Gathering early morn each day after a hasty breakfast and straggling back to their hostels late at night, they absorbed every word, the [...]
9 nominations for Funny Boy at Canadian Screen Awards

‘Funny Boy’, Deepa Mehta’s adaptation of the 1994 Shyam Selvadurai novel, is among the front-runners at the Canadian Screen Awards with nine nominations in the Film category. Apart from best motion picture, Funny Boy has been nominated for best direction, best supporting actress (for Agam Darshi), best adapted screenplay, sound editing, sound mixing, achievement in [...]
Letters to the Editor
Our failings have emboldened our opponents As a Sri Lankan living in the UK, I can assure the Sri Lankan people that the vast majority of the British population have the highest regard for Sri Lanka and its citizens. The difficulties we incur at the UN are due to a relentless campaign by the Diaspora [...]

Her passing closes the chapter on the life of an iconic couple Rosemary Weeramantry The passing of Rosemary Weeramantry a few days ago at the age of 83 years and her husband the world-renowned Judge and Jurist, C.G. Weeramantry a little over four years ago at the age of 90, have removed from our midst [...]
From agony of the cross to Resurrection

As Christians the world over celebrate the Resurrection of Christ in the backdrop of the ravages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, for all peace loving citizens of this country, very specially for Catholics and Christians, despite the joy that the significance of the day evokes, it will also be a day tinged with sadness as [...]
Skyward-looking statue of Christ

A 10-foot tall wooden cross on which is the figure of Christ crucified is the cynosure of all eyes at St. Anthony’s Church, Muruthana, Kochchikade. “When we make such hallowed creations, we need to be filled with spiritual strength. I always pray to God when making such a creation. I feel God is doing it [...]
Arriving at a more complete picture of Dharmapala

Sarath Amunugama’s The Lion’s Roar: Anagarika Dharmapala and the Making of Modern Buddhism offers a comprehensive yet very readable account of the life and influence of Anagarika Dharmapala (1864–1933). In Sri Lanka, Dharmapala is revered for reviving Sinhalese Buddhism and for restoring Sri Lankan pride during a period of colonial domination. He is also admired [...]
CFW : Circularity trends for Summer

Starting a new chapter for the fashion industry where societal and environmental wellbeing takes centres tage, Day Two and Three of the 18th edition of HSBC Colombo Fashion Week saw ‘Circularity in Fashion’ in action as this year’s line-up of key designers presented their latest collections for a glamorous and eco-conscious Summer 2021 at the [...]