Arundi Beminiwatta of Minneriya Primary wins overall title
Arundi Beminiwatte of Minneriya Primary School, won the title of the CFSL Online Youth Under-10 Girls Chess Championship 2021 scoring 6½ points out of 7 games convincingly. Arundi, who was unbeaten throughout, only conceded a draw in the fifth round to Senulya Weerarathne and scored two full points against Mihindi Ariyasinghe and Sasmi Sithiumsa. Arundi won the main title including the trophy and gold medal.

Arundi Beminiwatta
Top seed Oshini Gunawardena of Ferguson High School, Ratnapura, was placed second overall after a tie break with 6 points. She lost to Chanthuli de Silva of Anula Vidyalaya in the fifth round and recovered with two wins against G.H.S. Senulya and Devmi Seya to win the silver medal.
Sasmi Sithumsa of Lyceum International School, Ratnapura, finished third since she recorded tie break points and was poor after tying with 6 points to the second place. She beat Vihansa Hewapathirana and Chenthuli de Silva and lost to the champion, Arundi in the last round to win the bronze medal. Mihelee Vihara Warnasooriya of Maliyadeva Balika Vidyalaya, Kurunegala, also scored 6 points but had to satisfy with the fourth place due to the poor tie breaking points.
The CFSL Online Under-10 Girls Chess Championship 2021 was conducted by the Chess Federation of Sri Lanka (CFSL) on the flatform with all precautions for cheating. The event was played on Swiss System over 7 rounds with the Rapid Chess time control of 15 minutes and a 10 second increment per each move per side.
As precautionary measures, all players were forced to be in a zoom meeting throughout their game with cameras and microphones opened with their screen also shared. The Arbiters closely observed their action and the games played were sent for anti-cheating experts for checking. The CFSL had declared a two-year ban from all types of chess if found guilty in cheating.
The CFSL Online Youth Under-10 Open Chess Championship 2021 will be held on April 3 and 4 via the flatform under the same regulations.
Final Standings: