Disposable problems
Despite successive governments bringing in laws to safeguard the environment pollution caused by improper disposal of plastic, polyethene, glass, and in the current scenario of disposable facemasks, people continue with the careless and selfish practice of dumping their waste into waterways, roadsides etc.
This harms the environment, threatens birds and animals, and leads to the spread of mosquito-borne diseases due to water collecting in improperly disposed containers.
The Auditor General in a recent report on the performance of the Excise Department disclosed that millions of empty alcohol bottles are thrown away, causing a massive environmental problem, and has called for new laws to deal with this harmful practice.
The AG said six alcohol manufacturing companies which were subject to the audit had purchased 46,254,703 bottles in 2018 and 2019, of which 90% were directly disposed in the environment without being re-used – thus causing severe environmental problems.
The lack of responsibility by big companies that sell disposable products to the public with no proper plans to collect and recycle these products is illustrated by the AG’s findings.
Companies that boast of Corporate Social Responsively should put their money where their mouth is by being more responsible and educating their consumers, and find ways to collect reusable items and ensure others are properly disposed without harming the environment and wildlife, and not contribute to the spread of diseases such as dengue fever and other diseases.