From the heart of Britain’s royalty to schoolchildren here

The Duke of Edinburgh International Award, it is widely agreed, is Britain’s Prince Philip’s lasting legacy. The scheme, the brainchild of the Prince, husband of Queen Elizabeth II who died earlier this month aged 99, has benefited many young people across the world. First established in 1956 in the UK, it has been operating in [...]
An eye for nature’s designs

A medical officer at the Ranna Rural Hospital, Dr Wasiri Raju Gajaman stepped into serious photography in 2005 and has won awards in prestigious photography competitions. His maiden coffee table book ‘The Pearl’ will be launched with an exhibition this weekend at the Lionel Wendt Gallery from April 30 – May 2. Dr Gajaman enjoys [...]
Letters to the Editor
Recent accidents on expressway show need to address glaring loopholes Social media went viral while print and electronic media too gave wide publicity to the youth, reportedly from Akurana, being apprehended by the Police for driving recklessly on the Southern Expressway recently. These adventurous youth, who put their bodies out – with the shutters of [...]

My father, the guru of telecom in Sri Lanka F.V.V. Watson My father, Vernon Watson was born on April 19, 1927. A year when Telecommunications was taking its first steps, when the very first transatlantic telephone call was made between New York and London. His career started and ended in Government Service – joining the [...]
Ferrey at his best in storytelling

Ashok Ferrey has written four novels to date. In all of them, the cast of characters is drawn mainly from two countries: England and Sri Lanka. Hence, they could be viewed as cross-cultural novels where the colonial experience serves as a template for blending life in middle-class England with that of middle-class Sri Lanka. The [...]
A voice for saving tradition

Traditional crafts don’t just make great souvenirs—they are mini periscopes into a region’s culture and geography. Veteran Designer and Lecturer at the University of Moratuwa, Ninel Fernando has dedicated her life to studying the history of these crafts. Decades of knowledge and practice is the foundation on which she has built her company, Ninela where [...]
When the ‘mahapiritha’ found its way into a song lyric
uy msß; ù kqU wefik kEfik ÿßka ug ixidr wrfKa fl,jrl ys| uquqKkd uy msß; ù – wefik kEfik ÿßka fk!ldj Èhn;aj .sh miq rej,a yl=<d l=ulgo fid÷Í Ôúf;a reÿ r< myr myi ú| iekfikq úkd ;ju uf. ys; f.dvìug ÿßks fl!uqÈh WoEik fm;s y, i|g fifkyi bysrekso fid÷Í Ôúf;a fid÷reu /hl wysñ fmï iqj [...]
Anoma’s creations as ecological works of art
The Embassy of France in Sri Lanka continues its 2021 FOCUS series on sustainable development with a conference on ecological art on Tuesday, April 27 at 6 p.m. at Hatch Works (14 Sir Baron Jayatilaka Mawatha, Colombo 01). The event is free and accessible by registration. For its second conference of 2021, the Embassy of [...]
Cost effective trajectory tracking for sports performance enhancement

Sri Lankan athletes and players take part in many sports today, not only locally but also on the international stage. They need to continually improve their performances by having their limb movements monitored, for which the naked eye is just not enough. The high cost of technology on the other hand, is a severe disadvantage [...]
Learning the bitter truth about Aflatoxins

You have probably heard about the chilling effects of aflatoxins from the horrifying news headlines, but do you know what aflatoxins are? Here we look at what aflatoxins are, which foods they affect, and how the health risks associated with the aflatoxins can be mitigated and avoided. So what are these dreaded Aflatoxins? Chemically speaking, [...]
National Trust lecture on mineral resources and ancient A’ pura

‘Management & Functional Use of Mineral Resources in Ancient Sri Lanka: Stone as a Building Material in Ancient Anuradhapura’ is the subject of the monthly National Trust lecture that will be delivered online on Thursday, April 29, at 6.30 p.m. by Dr. Thusitha Wagalawatta. Those interested could use the following links to join the lecture [...]
Ruk Rakaganno felicitates patron and founder member Iranganie

Ruk Rakaganno – the Tree Society of Sri Lanka will felicitate their Patron and Founder member Iranganie Serasinghe who will be interviewed live on Sunday, May 2 at 6 p.m. on Zoom by Architect Channa Daswatte and the President of Ruk Rakaganno Dushy Perera. This will be followed by the bi-monthly tree talk , on [...]