An eye for nature’s designs
A medical officer at the Ranna Rural Hospital, Dr Wasiri Raju Gajaman stepped into serious photography in 2005 and has won awards in prestigious photography competitions. His maiden coffee table book ‘The Pearl’ will be launched with an exhibition this weekend at the Lionel Wendt Gallery from April 30 – May 2.

The longest tongue
Dr Gajaman enjoys the art of nature, its natural patterns, light and shade, and the variety of textures in his photography. “Nature makes some interesting designs and we need to have the patience to enjoy them,” he says pointing out the design of spots of a Russell’s viper, patterns on the feathers of a hawk eagle or even on an aggregation of moths.
“The Pearl” has over 200 photographs from different genres -black and white, colour, macro, aerial and underwater presented in several chapters titled Diversity, Neighbours, Social Life, Survival, Conservation etc.
One of the most interesting chapters in the book is ‘Neighbours’ which features photos he took during the first COVID-19 lockdown last year, when he was limited to travelling between Ranna Hospital and his home. Finding it very depressing not to be able to travel freely, he turned to exploring nature in his backyard and was taken aback by the wealth of diversity he found in the lawn behind the hospital and his home garden. “Suddenly the lawn transformed into a paradise of small creatures like bees, butterflies, moths, spiders, dragonflies, worms, caterpillars and I was like Alice in Wonderland.”

Focused: Dr Wasiri Raju Gajaman
Bird photos dominate the chapter on‘Diversity’, given his interest in the avian world. ‘Conservation’ focuses on the need for protection to Sri Lanka’s wildlife.
With the lifting of the lockdown,he resumed his travels to complete his book and adds that his family – four sons and little daughter accompany him on most journeys. His eldest son, now 18, has already started following his father’s steps in wildlife photography.
“The Pearl” priced at Rs.8,500 will be available at a pre-publication discount of 35% during the exhibition. Call0718182590 or