Polymers are everywhere. Look around you. Your plastic water bottle. The silicone rubber on household equipment. The nylon and polyester in your jacket or sneakers. The rubber in the tires on the automobiles. Now look in the mirror. Many proteins in your body are polymers, too. Consider keratin, the stuff your hair and nails are [...]


Seminar on “Polymer Recycling” conducted by Institute of Chemistry Ceylon


Polymers are everywhere. Look around you. Your plastic water bottle. The silicone rubber on household equipment. The nylon and polyester in your jacket or sneakers. The rubber in the tires on the automobiles. Now look in the mirror. Many proteins in your body are polymers, too. Consider keratin, the stuff your hair and nails are made from. Even the DNA in your cells is a polymer. Polymers are substances composed of macromolecules, large molecules with molecular weights ranging from a few thousand to as high as millions of grams.

The rapid increase in the demand for the manufactured products introduces the new materials. These new materials are polymers, and their impact on the present way of life is almost incalculable. Both natural and synthetic polymers are remarkably involved in comfort and facilitation of human life and are responsible for life itself, for medication, nutrition, communication, transportation, irrigation, container, clothing, recording history, buildings, highways, etc. In fact, it is difficult to imagine human society without synthetic and natural polymers.

Plastic waste has a negative economic impact as well because much of it could be repurposed and reused. As plastic production is set to double in the next 20 years and quadruple by 2050, and that plastic takes between 400 and 1,000 years to decompose, it is essential to address the problem as soon as possible.

With the intention of trying to increase recycling is fundamental for the betterment of the society. Hence a seminar on “Polymer Recycling” will be conducted by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon via Zoom, on the 3rd of June 2021 from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm.

The programme hopes to cover topics such as the “Introduction to Sri Lankan Polymer Recycling” by Dr.Anver Dole, “Plastic Recycling” by Dr. Randika Jayasinghe, “Rubber Recycling” by Mr. Hema Narangoda, “Current Trends in polymer Recycling” by Dr. Shantha Egodage and “Challenges in Polymer Recycling” by Dr. Sulakshi Samarasinghe. The webinar will moderate by Dr.Thilini Gunasekara Senior Lecturer, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

You can register the webinar by visiting the IChemC website (ichemc.edu.lk) and more information can be obtained by contacting the Institute at 011-2861231. Also, you may obtain above information by sending an email to polymer.ichem@gmail.com. For the registration use the QR code in the Flyer. For more details
(Ms.Sajani (071 6803751) /
Mr. Sashen (0774711954)

Janangi Liyanage,

Organizing Committee,

Institute of Chemistry Ceylon


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