Schools being closed indefinitely due to the intensifying COVID-19 pandemic will only result in a severe deficiency in the intellect of school children, a spokesperson from the Education Forum Sri Lanka (EFSL) said recently. The non-governmental body is concerned with the development of education in Sri Lanka, and the spokesperson said with schools closed for [...]


Schools closed indefinitely will severely impact children’s mental wellbeing says EFSL


Schools being closed indefinitely due to the intensifying COVID-19 pandemic will only result in a severe deficiency in the intellect of school children, a spokesperson from the Education Forum Sri Lanka (EFSL) said recently.

The non-governmental body is concerned with the development of education in Sri Lanka, and the spokesperson said with schools closed for sixteen months, it is important to do diagnostic tests on children to assess their mental capabilities.

“The development of the brain runs parallel to a child’s body and a lack of education for a long period can cause serious damage to their intellect,” they said.

It has been noted that some children are also exposed to a toxic home environment where they are exposed to abuse, violence and family disputes that can harm their mental status.

“Also, children who come from poverty stricken homes are missing out on their mid-day meal, the only nutritious food they have for the day,” they said.

They alsoreiterated the importance of vaccinating teachers on a priority basis and frequent COVID testing done on children attending school from high risk areas.

EFSL also suggested for schools to be opened at least on a regional basis or school-by-school basis depending on the intensity of COVID in certain areas. (CC)


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