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Animal Blood Donors Sri Lanka:Saving lives
Four legged friends helping each other is the core initiative behind the Animal Blood Donors Sri Lanka initiative begun by Yannina Captain , the director of Justice for Animals organization, who created a platform that would enable blood donation for dogs. The idea of an animal blood donation campaign dawned after coming across a facebook [...]
Here’s a brief of what Google Announced at I/O 2021

Just because there’s a full blown pandemic, that doesn’t mean that life comes to a complete standstill. Companies and people will still go about their day to day activities as much as possible. Google too adopted a similar approach. With their flagship Google I/O not being held last year due to Covid-19, we went on [...]
TV Times
Chandana W: Undisputed king of Choreography

Chandana’s parents when he was a little kid had observed their little son beating and stroking his little feet, swaying his tiny limbs, twirling, twisting and jerking his tiny agile body to a sequence of a rhythmic beat.This was not hereditary as it was not a spectacle or repetition seen in their ancestors.Very appropriately the [...]
Film streaming platform of Goethe shows social changes

At a time when the continued lockdown is imposed due to Covid-19 pandemic, the streaming platform of the Goethe-Institute in Colombo will show case a series of films for the film lovers. The Goethe-Institute presents “Signs of Resistance”, a film series with 14 films about civil society engagement, protest and emancipation movements, the culture of [...]
‘Miss Jenis’ goes to Aussie

Screening of comedy film ‘Miss Jenis’, in which the late Dr. Jayalath Manoratne plays a captivating role as a woman, will be held at 6.30 pm on June 13 at Cegnet Grand Cinema at Perth in Australia. Other roles are played by Jayalal Rohana, Duleeka Marapana, Roshan Ranawan, Giriraj Kaushalya, Oshadi Himasha, Anjelo Bans, Udari [...]