Meet the movie wizards

Don’t we all miss the thrill of going to the movies? Seeking out alternatives like online streaming platforms, YouTube channels, podcasts and other forms of virtual entertainment is something many of us have done in the last year to enjoy our favourite films and the hotly awaited new releases. Of course, most if not all [...]
Chandi, the star and country’s evergreen athamma is 94

Irangani Roxanna Serasinghe celebrated her 94th birthday on Wednesday, June 9. It is hard to think of an actress more iconic, having begun with the stage and then conquered the screen with the aplomb and grace of a Kandyan heiress. Apart from her legendary career in acting, she is an ardent environmentalist known for her [...]
Letters to the Editor
Vaccination must be stepped up and not just in Colombo When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out early last year, I was impressed by the response of the Government, health care workers, the police and the military although a little belated. They all came on TV and gave detailed instructions regarding wearing of masks, frequent hand [...]

My grandfather, the quiet gentleman and faithful fisher of men CAPTAIN PETER NEVILLE LESLIE MENDIS If my grandfather were alive, tomorrow- June 14, would be his 106th birthday. It is in June, when many mark Father’s Day, we remember my Seeya’s remarkable life. His birthday, every year was a milestone when we his grandchildren were [...]
Laki’s landscapes of the mind

Diyabubula means “bubbling water”. This fresh water spring refreshed and quenched the thirst of many pilgrims and travellers. The land was owned by Nimal Senanayake, Laki’s lawyer brother who received it as part payment for a brief and initally grew chillies there. Laki first occupied this property in 1972, but bought it off his brother [...]
Engrossing tales and compelling message on future of medicine

Amongst recent reading was something very different to everything else that kept me going during this time of coronavirus. This was Letters to a Young Doctor by Hilali Noordeen who came up to Oxford in my last term there. But I did not know him then, and only met him for the first time when [...]
A date with Jane Goodall for the young ones
The world famous conservationist Dr Jane Goodall will deliver this month’s Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS) lecture on “Empowering young people to make the world a better place by caring for the world they inhabit and living sustainable lifestyles.” The lecture is on June 17 at 7 p.m. via Zoom and FB Live. The [...]