The pageant of pageants begins; sans the people

The annual Kandy Esala Perahera or the Mahanuwara Sri Dalada Perahera (pageant), is at present parading the streets of Kandy. Absent though, are the eager crowds who would await this great procession with such devotion and excitement each year. The sound of music and dancing reverberates within the Kandyan hills - but to a deserted [...]
An ancient ceremony unfolds in step with tradition

It was an ancient tradition of Ves (initiation to sacred Kandyan dance) that took place at the Sri Jinendrarama Vihara in Colombo 7. To the reverberating sounds of the Kandyan drums, the initiates swirled and pirouetted, flashing the silver, red and white Ves andum topped by silver Ves thattu crown, elaborate regalia that commemorates that [...]
Letters to the Editor
A short-term relief mechanism a must to solve teacher/principal issues It is rather unfortunate and sad that members of the noblest profession in the world, for whom we all have the greatest respect and regard have been compelled to take to the streets, as never before, to win over their long outstanding and pressing demands. [...]

An illustrious career studded with endearing qualities as a human being DR R.O.B. WIJESEKERA Dr R.O.B. Wijesekera, the doyen of Natural Product Chemistry, and a much loved figure among all those he worked with passed away on July 13, after a brief illness. He was 92. Knowing his abiding love of cricket, he would have [...]
From the spiritual to performance

‘What we have described in this book are the halcyon days of Kandyan dancing…..’ -Amunugama Sarath Amunugama has put out a new book and it is on the Kohomba Kankariya. This is the first book on the subject that I read, although there are three others in Sinhala in my collection. Two of them are [...]
Here, and nowhere, and now

“…..wrapt in a calm stillness…..” We get a message from the Loku hamuduruwo, the Chief Priest of ‘our’ temple. He tells us that a monk from his temple would stop by our house on his alms round from the next day. We are overjoyed. To make an offering to the Sangha through a monk on [...]
A reading room initiative comes alive with Colomboscope

‘Reading in Tongues’, a four-part virtual programme series organised by the Ishara Art Foundation in partnership with Colomboscope is on this August. A reading room initiative, it forms part of the upcoming Colomboscope festival ‘Language is Migrant’. The festival curated by Anushka Rajendran with artistic director Natasha Ginwala brings together intergenerational cultural practices from across [...]
Conservation and future challenges

Prof Sarath Kotagama will deliver the monthly Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS) lecture onAugust 19 at 6 p.m., online via Zoom. He will speak on ‘Protection, Conservation and Future Challenges’. Those interested could register online on As Sri Lanka faces the greatest dangers it ever has to its environment, wilderness areas and populations [...]