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All the world’s a stage

Now working with some big names in Hollywood, Lankan-born actorKenneth De Abrew is thankful for his early exposure to Shakespeare drama at Trinity College Kandy “When I was about 10 years old,my mother encouraged me to try out for a school play. She believed that this exposure would give me confidence. And it was love [...]
Be a part of their platform to create honest discussions

Two friends Mihiri Perera and Rayushka Gurusinghe launch Open Conversations, a talkshow that taps knowledge of experts on various issues and invites audience participation In an age where scrolling through Whatsapp forwards and Facebook feeds takes up a hefty percentage of our days, the line between fact and fiction has become harder to separate. While [...]
A virtual exhibition for children’s lockdown creations
As part of the upcoming Children in Lockdown Arts Festival, Stages Theatre Group will present an island-wide virtual children’s art, installation and photography exhibition. The exhibition will focus on children’s perspectives and experiences during the pandemic. This will be an open-source digital exhibition, curated and executed virtually. All children under the age of 18 are [...]