AOD launches CSL – the Creative School of Language
AOD launches CSL - the Creative School of Language
In response to the growing demand in Sri Lanka for high-quality English, the Academy of Design (AOD) proudly announces the launch of an innovative and exciting new language centre, the Creative School of Language (CSL).
A broad portfolio of tailor-made courses will cater for both children (aged 6+) and adults – ideal for school and college students as well as Graduates and established business executives who wish to improve their command of spoken and written English.
As well-established specialists in innovation and originality in design education, AOD is well positioned to develop and launch a contemporary, creativity-led language learning centre.
In an interview for the Education Times, Vivienne Fowler-Watt, head language instructor at the Creative School of Language, shares CSL’s vision and explains how AOD’s newly unveiled centre in the stunning Colombo Innovation Tower (CIT) will deliver a unique, stimulating, enjoyable and effective language learning experience.
What is the Creative
School of Language?
We are a centre dedicated to excellence in language teaching. We are located at the CIT from where our specialist faculty and distinctive creativity-based curriculum will combine to deliver a dynamic, interactive approach to learning language.
Although an AOD initiative, CSL’s programmes are in no way restricted to just the university’s student body. We have separate courses designed for schoolchildren, university students and graduates, and working professionals, including those in the creative industries. All courses will be customised to suit the ages, interests and specific language needs of each group.
Why the need for fluency
in English?
There has always been a need in this country for proficiency in English (as well as in one’s mother tongue). This used to be particularly important for those looking to a future abroad; be it to pursue education, business opportunities, or even start a new life. But nowadays, even within Sri Lanka, the lack of a strong command of the English language can be severely limiting. It is often essential in everything from academia and business, to media/social media.
CSL will help people to overcome their language barriers, develop their linguistic confidence and creativity, and thereby unleash their full potential.
What languages are you
offering at CSL?
CSL will initially be focusing on providing a wide variety of courses in English. However, additional languages (e.g. Mandarin, French and Japanese) will hopefully be introduced during 2022 and beyond.
What does CSL offer that makes it stand out from other language institutions?
At CSL we take a creative approach to language teaching; one that has been developed, tested, and successfully implemented in schools across the world – and with great results. While there is no set method for fostering creativity, we incorporate certain techniques to create a two-way classroom culture of reciprocity, where teachers are inspiring, proactive facilitators and students are thereby stimulated and challenged. An inclusive, student-focused classroom has been shown to benefit language retention, confidence and creativity; and more so than in a traditional teacher-focused environment.
Through our creative approach we:
Encourage participation. This gives students the power to create their own presentations, arguments, assignments, and performances; boosting confidence in themselves as well as their hold on the language they are learning.
Produce an endless supply of original course material. In a creativity-led classroom, we allow students to invest and constructively contribute to their own course material; creating ownership among students while also succeeding in developing interesting and effective teaching material for the target audience.
Promote active learning. By asking students to think outside the box, we stray beyond normal assignment guidelines and encourage the use of their own individual creativity; feeding off their creative energy to fuel a more engaging classroom.
Create a fun and positive learning environment in the classroom. Not only does creativity make classrooms more enjoyable for students, but it also appeals to the teacher; contributing towards a more positive and fruitful teacher-student dynamic.
Improve language retention. Ultimately our goal is to teach students a language, and when the other four factors come together, the result will most certainly be improved retention thanks to increased participation, quality assignments, active learning, and fun.
How do you teach language differently to business professionals and those in the creative industry?
We employ the same interactive techniques I mentioned earlier, but tuned to more mature students who are most likely seeking to improve their existing speaking, writing, and communication skills, perhaps as a means to work their way up the “corporate ladder”.
These programmes will therefore cover more subtle linguistic skills, such as the appropriate use of tone, genre, technical jargon and persuasive language, whilst also instilling the confidence to impress at interview, deliver presentations and lead group projects and chair meetings. Our courses for creatives, for instance, are taught in a context centred on Design and the Arts; ideal for those currently working in (or aspiring to) a future in the design industry, but who seek a more competitive edge.
How do CSL’s language
courses for school students differ from what is already been taught in schools?
It is important that I clarify that what we offer at CSL is not a replacement for the English lessons being taught in schools. As a professional teacher myself, who has taught in both Local and International schools in Sri Lanka, I have the greatest respect for teachers in this country.
What we are doing at CSL is further improving a child’s English Language skills beyond what they learn within their school curriculum.
This is achieved through a diverse, enriching curriculum specifically designed to stimulate creativity, communication skills and critical thinking.
How will this be achieved for
children of different ages?
I firmly believe that children are naturally creative and instinctively curious, and are always looking for a means to express themselves confidently. So, our language programmes for school-going students in particular have been designed to encourage this natural creativity and desire to express themselves independently through a stimulating and inspiring curriculum – with different approaches to suit each age group.
For 6-8 year-olds for instance, we employ interactive teaching methods to develop a habit of reading for pleasure, help build a rich vocabulary to express themselves more clearly, articulate their opinions more confidently and also listen to viewpoints other than their own.
For the 9-11 year-olds we instil an open-minded approach to reading, teach how to evaluate and edit their own as well as others’ writing, and enhance their own spoken language skills to clarify meaning and create different effects when participating in performances and discussions.
For the 12-16+ year-olds, we help develop the skills of a discerning reader and allow for stimulating discussions We teach students how to communicate and perform their own compositions, dramas, recitals, and performances, as well as assess a peer’s performance objectively and sensitively.
This done by using empathy, constructive criticism and encouragement; and by articulating and justifying answers, arguments, and opinions in a balanced way.
To learn more about the programmes offered by CSL, please contact us on 077 572 7772 or email us on