Peradeniya and Uva Wellassa Universities promote social enterprise
The Social Enterprise Summit was held at the Post Graduate Institute of Science
The University of Peradeniya has established a Social Enterprise Incubation Laboratory (SEIL) to provide formal guidance, mentoring, training and coordination between relevant agencies on Social Entrepreneurship within the University and the Central Province.
Social Enterprise Support in Sri Lanka (SESS) is a project granted through the
British Council
to promote Social Entrepreneurship in the Central and Uva Provinces. The University of Peradeniya and the Uva Wellassa University were awarded the Social Enterprise Support Sri Lanka (SESS) grant by the
British Council.
SEIL together with Business Linkage, Innovation, Incubation and Technology Transfer Office (BLII-TTO), the University of Peradeniya in collaboration with Social Enterprise Incubation Cell (SEIC), Uva Wellassa University organised the Sri Lankan Social Enterprise Summit which was held at the Post Graduate Institute of Science.

Participants at the summit
Pix and text by L B Senaratne