Ride for Ceylon

Ride for Ceylon continues in its aim to raise funds for the restoration and redevelopment of Green Memorial Hospital in Jaffna. The project, which was originally started by a group of St Thomas College old boys, has broadened into an annual fundraising cycle ride. Now a major event, the ride is supported and sponsored by [...]
Listing of court cases: UK versus Sri Lanka

Law and Order is affected by problems as well as the Judicial Function, apart from all that has been discussed before under this subject. The reason why this particular theme has now been taken up for further discussion is a recent report of proceedings before a Justice Committee in the UK. At its November 16, [...]
Is Lanka trifling with 1.4 billion Chinese people?
‘Eight hundred million Chinese people are not to be trifled with’ was one stern warning — in a series of numbered warnings — sounded by newly independent China attempting to unite mainland China with the island of Taiwan under control of Chinese warlord Chiang Kai Shek. Chiang had been driven out of mainland China by [...]
Ethiopia’s civil war fuelled by weapons from UN’s big powers

UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – In Hollywood movies, the legendary Wild West was routinely portrayed with gunslingers, lawmen and villains—resulting in the ultimate showdown between the “good guys and the bad guys”. Linda Thomson-Greenfield, US ambassador to the UN, told the Security Council early this month that the warring parties in the devastating 12-month-long civil war [...]
Xi’s backward odyssey

BERLIN – Momentous changes are casting a long shadow on China. The country’s political system will soon undergo a profound reform, pending final approval (a quasi-formality) at next year’s congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). President Xi Jinping, the Party chairman and the “navigator” of the country, has decided on a new course, [...]
Overview of surgical services in Sri Lanka

It is opportune to review Sri Lanka’s progress of surgical services since Independence in 1948. Seven decades and three years have elapsed and where do we rate in terms of similar services in advanced economies? Have we achieved equity of access to the island’s population of such services both from a geographic and affordability point [...]
China Is Holding the Planet Hostage
LONDON – The verbal emissions at the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow were understandably extensive but fortunately less environmentally damaging than the energy path on which the world remains set. Governments reached a fragile agreement that still just about keeps in play the 2015 Paris climate agreement’s main target of limiting [...]