Lankan apparel exporters seek collaboration to realise industry’s potential
From left to right - Rehan Lakhany – Immediate Past Chairman (Chairman – Original Apparel), Deputy Chairman – Indika Liyanahewage (CEO – Eskimo Fashions Knitwear), Chairman – Aroon Hirdaramani (Director – Hirdaramani Group), and Treasurer – Jeevith Senaratne (Senior Manager Business Analysis – Star Garments).
Sri Lanka’s apparel industry has risen to the challenges posed by the pandemic and the sector can contribute further to the country’s economy, provided that all stakeholders collaborate to address critical constraints, apparel exporters point out.
These views were expressed at the recent 39th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Sri Lanka Apparel Exporters Association (SLAEA), the pioneer association representing the country’s apparel exporters, held recently where Director of Hirdaramani Aroon Hirdaramani was appointed as the new president for the year 2021/2022.
According to a SLAEA media release, apparel exporters highlighted the need for COVID-19 vaccine boosters for staff, addressing domestic macroeconomic constraints – particularly the lack of foreign exchange – and strengthening export market access, for the industry to realize its potential.
At the event, SLAEA’s Executive Committee expressed appreciation of the role played by health and other public authorities in vaccinating the apparel industry’s 350,000 workforce. However, apparel exporters emphasised the need to secure COVID-19 boosters for employees of the sector, given that the six-month window since the vaccinations were rolled out is fast approaching.
In addition, apparel exporters discussed the vital importance of retaining the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) + trade concessions to the European Union as well as the UK. It was noted that the country needs to strengthen access to other key and emerging export markets.
“The apparel industry’s contribution to the Sri Lankan economy remains unparalleled, a fact duly recognised by the Government,” new Chairman Aroon Hirdaramani said. “However, we are now facing significant issues in the context of the country’s foreign reserve shortages and overall economic issues. Together with our apex body – the Joint Apparel Association Forum – we are working with the authorities on solutions that can continue the growth witnessed from 2021 onwards, with minimal disruption.”
The Executive Committee of the SLAEA for 2021/22 comprises; Chairman – Aroon Hirdaramani (Director – Hirdaramani Group), Deputy Chairman – Indika Liyanahewage (CEO – Eskimo Fashions Knitwear), Rehan Lakhany – Immediate Past Chairman (Chairman – Original Apparel) and Treasurer – Jeevith Senaratne (Senior Manager Business Analysis – Star Garments). has you covered with quality used or brand new cars for sale that are budget friendly yet reliable! Now is the time to sell your old ride for something more attractive to today's modern automotive market demands. Browse through our selection of affordable options now on before deciding on what will work best for you!