Tokyo Cement tackles cement shortage with low price product
Dashantha Udawatta (right), Group Marketing Manager of Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka) PLC, and Jilani Mohideen, Marketing Manager - Bulk Cement, with a consignment of cement bags ready for distribution
Tokyo Cement Company this week commenced distribution of a shipment of bagged cement offered to consumers at the lowest price in the market.
The company stepped forward to immediately bring down a shipment of cement in bag form, to fill the vacuum created in the market when cement importers discontinued bag cement importation. In this move, Tokyo Cement ensured that a freshly imported bag of cement will reach end consumers in all parts of the island, at the lowest maximum retail price of Rs. 1,275 positively addressing the cement shortage, the company said in a media release.
Last month Tokyo Cement Group announced several steps taken by the cement giant to fulfill the shortage in the market. Being the country’s largest manufacturer of cement, the company’s manufacturing plant in Trincomalee is operating at maximum capacity around the clock to ensure an uninterrupted supply island-wide.
Further, on a request made by the Government as a contingency measure, Tokyo Cement made special arrangements to import 12,000 metric tonnes (MT) of cement, in addition to the 30,000 MT of cement being imported per month through the Tokyo Cement Colombo Terminal.
Reinstating the company’s readiness to cater to the growth in demand of the local construction industry, Tokyo Cement Group recently laid the foundation for a factory expansion project that will increase its manufacturing capacity by another 1 million MT by early 2023. has you covered with quality used or brand new cars for sale that are budget friendly yet reliable! Now is the time to sell your old ride for something more attractive to today's modern automotive market demands. Browse through our selection of affordable options now on before deciding on what will work best for you!