Marlon back at the helm at NCC

Marlon Ranasighe
Marlon Ranasinghe was unanimously elected once again to the post of President of Nondescripts Cricket Club (NCC) for 2021/2022 at their 132nd Annual General Meeting held on December 3. He has rendered all-round services to the club for many decades in all areas, as a sportsman as well as an administrator.
His tenure as President from year 2016 to 2018, the club was raised to a high-pedestal with his ability to take prompt action and execute them with the full blessings of the rest of the executive committee.
During the past few months owing to the present pandemic situation many activities of the club had be curtailed. It is now up to the present president Ranasinghe who no doubt will bring back the vibrant atmosphere at the club once again as in the past.
Ranasinghe’s inborn outgoing qualities will be an added advantage for this purpose. The membership will be looking forward for a glorious year ahead with Ranasinghe at the top seat with an energetic team with him, will definitely bring glory to NCC.