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Their recipe to success

Their recipe to success

A few years ago, Anoma Wijetunga wanted to conduct cooking classes but worried that no one would attend. While returning to Colombo by train after a trip, she broached the idea of uploading videos on the internet to her daughter. The next day, armed with her iPhone 6, they filmed a recipe for the most [...]

Lessons of unity and love from the Holy Family

Lessons of unity and love from the Holy Family

“But You Bethlehem of Ephrathah who are one of the little clans of Judah from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days” (Micah 5:2) Mary shifted her weight uncomfortably atop the donkey. She had been riding for hours. Just ahead, [...]

Letters to the Editor

Sri Lankans are once again being bamboozled Sri Lankans are being led down another rabbit hole of power generation – and this time it is a costly dead end. The result will be more wasted time and money. But now, in the face of a growing serious climate situation, time is running out. It is [...]



Erudite monk and role model Ven THALALLE SRI MAHINDA NAYAKA THERA The Most Ven. late Thalalle Sri Mahinda Nayaka Thera, Chief incumbent Sri Jayasekararamaya, Kuppiyawatte Colombo. Passed away untimely at sixty six after a brief illness, Peacefully breathed Thera’s last undisturbed consciousness. Born in 1954 March 14th, fortunate sixth of ten siblings, Hettiarachchige Wilbert Silva [...]

25 years ago three women joined hands to care for pets

25 years ago three women joined hands to care for pets

The spreading branches of the huge tree she sees from her up-stair sitting room is symbolic to her. It was just a little potted nuga (Ficus benjamina) plant 25 years ago, presented to Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Nalinika Obeyesekere when she and two other not only like-minded colleagues but also friends, Dr. Janaki Collure and Dr. [...]

Ardnaree Kandy – The story of a bungalow

Ardnaree Kandy – The story of  a bungalow

‘Ardnaree’ the official bungalow of the Principal of Dharmaraja College Kandy has had its share of distinguished residents and visitors over the years. When George Morrison Reid Henry, the ornithologist whose magnum opus was ‘A Guide to the Birds of Ceylon’ (OUP 1955), took over the post of acting Assistant Entomologist to the Department of [...]

Diversity in one place

Diversity in one place

Born in Beliatta in 1978, Chamila Gamage gained his Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Visual and Performing Arts in Colombo in painting and sculpture. He then went on to do his Master of Fine Arts at the University of Kelaniya. His first solo exhibition MONOLOGUE was held at the Lionel Wendt Gallery [...]

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