View(s):Certainly this was a righteous man
Thusith Mudalige

As much as this is meant to be an appreciation of Thusith, it is also intended to serve as an ode to justice, and, even more, as a letter to his family, especially to his two young daughters, to reassure them that their father was an exemplary man. The thoughts I express here are as a friend and colleague of Thusith.
Rathnamali, Ruweka and Sabeena: Alas, the physical presence of a beloved has been cruelly or some might say, mercifully, snuffed out most unexpectedly and deprived you of a living example. But do take comfort in the fact that inspirational pages from Thusith’s brief, yet rich life of integrity and hard work can never be erased. In times of darkness and gloom, when crooks, cronies and cowards revel in their wanton weakness, do not despair. Let the beacon of light that was Thusith continue to be your shining guide and help overcome moments of weariness and disillusionment. The flame that he lit may flicker, but do not let it fade. Let not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but this Truth, his real reputation, be tarnished or your precious memories of him be tainted by anything to the contrary. You know better, because he was closest to you. I too know better, because I had the honour and privilege of serving the public with him by my side, 17 years ago, when I met this gem of a man in the City of Gems.
As a person with no religious faith, I am hesitant to offer any solace from a theological perspective. But in this instance, I cannot help but agree with and reiterate a passage from Christian scriptures, one that was stressed by Father Noel at the Church of Buena Morte in Hulftsdorp as Thusith’s colleagues from all faiths joined in a service to pray for his speedy recovery a year ago: God works in strange ways and we must never question it, but accept God’s will. These words now make perfect sense: it was God-given luck that, after his brain surgery on the last day of 2020, Thusith did not wake up to see the New Year dawn and face unprecedented and apocalyptic events which have been unfolding since January 2021. He was instead destined to face Judgment Day in God’s Court, a tribunal which is manned by more than mere mortals and not fraught with fickle frenzy and fallibility, vandalized by vicious vendetta, or plagued by power play. In a Kingdom where a convicted criminal cannot cry foul against the Word of God and grovel for a pardon by selling his soul to the Devil. Recall the trial of Jesus (excerpts from Luke 23: 1-47):
Then the whole multitude of them arose and led Him to Pilate. And they began to accuse Him, saying, “We found this fellow perverting the nation, and forbidding to pay taxes to Caesar, saying that He Himself is Christ, a King.” Then Pilate asked Him, saying, “Are You the King of the Jews?” He answered him and said,“It is as you say.” So Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowd,“I find no fault in this Man.” But they were the more fierce, saying, “He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee to this place.”
…Now when Herod saw Jesus ….. he questioned Him with many words, but He answered him nothing. And the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused Him. Then Herod, with his men of war, treated Him with contempt and mocked Him, arrayed Him in a gorgeous robe, and sent Him back to Pilate.
Then Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests, the rulers, and the people, said to them,“You have brought this Man to me, as one who misleads the people. And indeed, having examined Him in your presence, I have found no fault in this Man concerning those things of which you accuse Him; no, neither did Herod, for I sent you back to him; and indeed nothing deserving of death has been done by Him. I will therefore chastise Him and release Him” . ….. But they shouted, saying, “Crucify Him, crucify Him!”……. Then he said to them the third time, “Why, what evil has He done?…….” But they were insistent, demanding with loud voices that He be crucified.
…There were also two others, criminals, led with Him to be put to death. And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left.
Now it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two. And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said,“Father,‘into Your hands I commit My spirit.” Having said this, He breathed His last. So when the centurion saw what had happened, he glorified God, saying, “Certainly this was a righteous Man!”
Thusith, I am sure you are looking forward to your final court appearance, your brief ready and standing tall, literally and metaphorically, as always, about to receive the fair hearing that you deserve. Divine Justice indeed.
Although Thusith was recently promoted to the post of Senior Deputy Solicitor General, he never had the chance to serve in this capacity due to his health condition. But, now he has a far greater opportunity to serve the Lord Almighty, a worthy master. And his Eternal Service will be rewarded by a chorus of angels singing praises, not a cacophony of demons hurling criticism. For, the Thusith I knew never played to the gallery to please the plebes or sought glory from false prophets. His untimely passing taught us all an important lesson: It is better to die with a conscience than to live with none. May he rest in peace, finally and forever.
Dr. Avanti Perera
No one could ask for a better friend
It is almost four years since my dearest friend left us on September 4, 2018, leaving a void that cannot be filled. His voice still resonates in our ears and that infectious smile he always had is still vivid in our memories.
He is sadly missed and fondly remembered on his 74th birthday which fell on January 4, this year. We were classmates and later he became my best man as well. No one could ask for a better friend. He was very close to me and unfortunately he is no more to share our fond memories.
Kenneth was unique, full of love, compassion, loyalty and faith. He was a simple man who led a simple life.
He was compassionate towards others and always put their needs ahead of his own. He was interested in humanitarian service. He had been an active member of the Lions and was President of the Lions Club, Wattala.
Kenneth had an abiding faith in God and devoted his entire life to be a living testimony. He was a great son to his parents, loving husband to his wife Priyani, a caring and dear father to his son Milinda and a pillar of strength to all of us. Priyani was always behind him and took great care of him with lots of affection and empathy in the absence of his son who was in Australia for his studies.
It is with pride I remember my friend, as I give thanks and praise to God for his life. Although you parted early, I know we will be together in the Promised Land. Until that day, may the turf lie gently over you.
Goodbye my dear friend, till we meet again.
Lalin I. De Silva
Her love shone through like a bright light in those dark days
Dinusha Fernando
Six years have gone without one of the three children God gave us.
Losing a child is unbearable. Only parents who have gone through this pain will understand the grief.
Our youngest daughter Dinusha was a gift from God on January 13, 1987 to both of us and to her elder sister Hirusha and brother Hirushke. Dinu’s earthly journey was only 10, 606 days as she was called back to her eternal home six years ago on January 15, 2016 just one night after her 29th birthday.
Hers is a story of amazing faith, endurance and love. She had incurable SLE to begin with and later on her kidneys failed and then her main heart valve was damaged. She felt the worst was behind her.
It seems she was wrong. Following heart surgery Dinu had a stroke. As if everything Dinu was bearing wasn’t enough, she contracted swine flu and then pneumonia. The last thing she needed was to find a lump in her breast, but that’s exactly what happened.
The days were very dark for our little Dinu. Every movement she made caused agonizing pain. She couldn’t lie down, sit, or stand without pain. Despite this, she never uttered a cross word to any of us. It was as if she knew she would only be here a short time longer and she wanted her family to know that she loved them. Her love for God was always evident and shone through like a bright light in those dark days.
Dinu was a studious, beautiful young girl, and she never lost that fun-loving spirit, her kind soul or her faith. These qualities only grew as she did. Dinusha’s hard work was rewarded in 2006. She completed her Advanced Level exams and got a good job in a leading travel company.
Sadly she lost her job in July 2009, and in August 2009 she was diagnosed with incurable SLE Lupus disease. Although she was incredibly sick, she was also a brave young girl with a strong will and a mind of her own. She began praying and was able to find her another job which would help support the family and help pay for her medical expenses.
In May 2014 tragedy struck when we learned that both her kidneys had failed. In March 2015 we were told she needed to have a kidney transplant.
Dinu didn’t let these new and trying circumstances change any aspect of her character or her life. Though she was sick and in pain, she still took time to visit if a friend or relative was sick. Though she was in need, she was always there to help others. She always had time to talk to her friends. Dinu’s Bible theme verse was Col 4:2 “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.”
Her beautiful life showed the example of how to live and glorify God…how to journey in faith amidst intense suffering. Though a parent is supposed to be the teacher, we became the students. We learned a great deal from our daughter of how not to let the circumstances of our lives dictate the quality of our lives.
By January 9, 2016, Dinu felt the Lord had sent her a message calling her home. When Rev. Asiri Perera, President of the Methodist Church, visited Dinu, she told him clearly that she wanted to go to God’s house.
The following morning, we gathered around her bedside. God gave us one last birthday with our loving daughter on January 13, 2016. On the night of the 14th, Dinu was surprised when her favourite artist, Keerthi Pasqual arrived at her bedside to sing to her.
That night Dinu told us, “Jesus is coming tomorrow morning…beautiful…I am waiting for a message…I am watching…it—it is beautiful.” Just as she said, the Lord came in the early hours of the 15th to take her home.
Our little angel is now a heavenly angel at the Lord’s side.
Premakumar and Roshani Fernando
Any occasion with her presence was a happy one
Bhavani Balakrishnan
Bhavani Balakrishnan nee Kandyah Poorananandah passed away on December 1. Her passing brought shock waves to all who knew her. Words cannot explain the sorrow of her family, friends, relations and those she associated with.
She was a devout Hindu and followed Hindu traditions to the letter.
She was a past pupil of Hindu Ladies College, Colombo 6. She was a down to earth lady, always with a smiling face, entertaining all who visited her home. Any occasion with her presence was a happy one.
She leaves behind her husband, son, daughter, two grandchildren and younger sister. May her soul attain a peaceful journey to rest in the house of Lord Shiva, until she is reborn again in our circles.
Until then goodbye Bhavani.
Karalasingam Sivalingam
The Good Samaritan who promoted manioc as a miracle food
Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya
Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya, the leading ENT surgeon will be remembered for promoting manioc - considered the poor man’s food – as a miracle nourishment that could hold the secret of curing cancer. Having undergone treatment for a long time, Cynthia began a study of western food practices before endorsing manioc at gatherings via Skype. She strongly believed that comprehensive research should be done on how manioc could be used in the treatment of cancer patients.
Cynthi Akki passed away in April 2020 a week after her 84th birthday. She was born to an affluent Catholic family in Negombo. Her parents were Gladston and Beeta de Livera. She had one sister and six brothers who were younger to her. She had her early education at Ave Maria Convent Negombo before entering Holy Family Convent Bambalapitiya and securing entry to the Faculty of Medicine. Colombo University.
Her dream was to become an ENT surgeon. Having done her postgraduate studies in the UK she returned to Sri Lanka and served in many hospitals, both public and private. She was a kind and generous doctor and well known for her diagnostic skills. She had no qualms about rendering her services free of charge for those who could not afford the payment.
She married Wilfred Jayasuriya – a government servant. He was one-time Commissioner of the RMV. He had a doctorate in English and had won the Arts Council award for Best Novel 1996 for the Libyan Episode. He also authored other books.
They had four children - Saliya, Palika, Charitha and Menik, all of whom except for Saliya live in the US.
Since I’m married to one of her brothers Claude, I recollect how she loved her family . We are forever grateful for her kind ways – she was always the Good Samaritan.
A long time ago when my husband had to undergo an operation, we were looked after very well at her residence in Borella.
She was a fabulous pianist – the memory of her playing the piano and singing softly is fresh in my mind. Another memory is how she would make butter having milked the cow.
She was the fond grandmother of Lauren, Michael, Jessica, Amy, Sophia and Juliette. She also loved her many nieces and nephews.
May the Almighty look after her and may light perpetual shine upon her.
Nalini de Livera
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