Home » ColumnsSpeak out and clear your name
My dear Udith, I thought I must write to you because many people seem to be suddenly talking about you, although not in a very flattering way. They are making many accusations against you — and tarnishing Mahinda maama’s good name too in the process. Surprisingly, you haven’t said anything at all in response. Udith, [...]
Confusion in governance extends to reconciliation

One of the most striking characteristics of the two years of governance of the current regime is its confusion in decision making as well as implementation of its own decisions. This has been manifest in its handling of the fertiliser issue, gas issue, milk powder issue and electricity issue to name just a few. At [...]
Lanka’s mighty labours in bringing forth a wee PTA mouse

All the efforts of Sri Lanka’s Foreign Affairs Minister in declaring amendments to the country’s Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA, 1979) with a grand flourish a few days ago, akin to the desperate magician pulling a bedraggled rabbit out of his hat to amuse a lacklustre crowd, are to little avail. Redemption only in changed [...]
Guard the moat as Omicron gears for full scale landing

Once more the red flag is being raised to alert the masses a major COVID wave is set to break. Named Omicron, the advance guard has already rolled in and made enough splash of its presence for the health chiefs to warn: This is only for starters. The full scale landing will follow soon. Already [...]
Not in good ole Sri Lanka

High jinks in high places are common enough that average man, as DH Lawrence once called them, takes these often sordid happenings, as a part of everyday life they can do little about and those who can don’t. What is intolerable though is when politicians in and with power and their acolytes with access to [...]
Govt.-people trust deficit widens; SLPP’s coalition partners prepare papers to offer solution to crisis
Wimal, Vasu, Gammanpila and others hold talks to find a wayout for Govt; Communist Party’s DEW blames Govt.’s poor strategy for economic crunch SLFP won’t leave Govt., working out its own document; SJB launches programme to fight for farmers’ cause Fears of longer power cuts loom as Govt. struggles to find dollars for fuel imports; [...]
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