Puerto Rico, here she comes again!

An open heart and an open mind are the two things Miss Sri Lanka, 19-year-old Sadé Greenwood, carried with her as she represented the “22 million hearts of Sri Lanka” at the Miss World contest held in Puerto Rico late last year making it through to the Top 40 and being placed in the Top [...]
A duchess recalls pomp and pageantry of our Independence

Personal memories of Ceylon’s Independence on February 4, 1948 have been left us as vivid vignettes — accounts of how throughout the island the long awaited freedom from the imperial yoke was marked with religious ceremonies and heady celebrations with kiribath and kavun. Someone who played a ceremonial role in the independence celebrations soon after [...]
10 days of all that’s art ends today

Today is the final day to view the Colomboscope festival. Over the past 10 days, visitors have congregated across six venues in Colombo to immerse themselves in interdisciplinary work by over 50 Sri Lankan and international artists. This year’s Colomboscope festival programme has encompassed discussions, performances, a reading room, screenings and more. Its theme has [...]
Letters to the Editor
Samarakoon’s original version may herald a better tomorrow for Lanka Our National Anthem is embodied in the Constitution. Section 7 recognises the National Anthem as “Sri Lanka Matha” and Schedule 7 provides the music of it. Our first National Anthem was “Namo Namo Matha” and that was changed to “Sri Lanka Matha” in 1962. “Namo [...]

A true humanist who was snatched away too soon ROHAN TUDAWE The sudden passing away of Rohan Tudawe sent shock waves amongst the people who knew and loved him. On December 4, 2021,the world lost a great humanist and above all, a gentleman par excellence. The cruel hand of fate which snatched him from our [...]
Stuff of movies; daring Boer prisoner escapes, cricket match and more

One of the first films I watched as an eleven-year-old beginning boarding school in the UK was Young Winston, on the early life of Winston Churchill. Unaware of the Boer conflict on account of a history education more focused on areas like Sri Lanka’s ancient hydraulic civilization, Churchill’s capture by Boers in the movie resembled [...]
What’s baking? a maverick space for artists

As we head down a small lane in Pannipitiya, out waft music and the sounds of tinkering and welding. We go through an arch of thick violet blooms to a hive of activity. Here young men are busy carving up an arcadia of their own – a maverick space for artists. The “Bakeriya Space” is [...]
Remembering the Daughters of Loretto as the Association of the Holy Family marks 200 years
As February 3 (Thursday) comes around, the Association of the Holy Family commemorates the day with great piety, in keeping with the powerful message of Jesus Christ and also the humble vision of its Founder Peter Bienvenu Noailles. This year, the association will prayerfully celebrate its bicentennial (200th anniversary). Born in 1793 in Bordeaux, France, [...]
Little Hearts project grows from strength to strength, but needs more support

An initiative to benefit thousands of Sri Lanka’s most vulnerable children is the Little Hearts project of the Lady Ridgeway Hospital (LRH). Little Hearts was started to fill the urgent need for a cardiac and critical care complex to save the lives of thousands of children suffering from heart disease and other critical illnesses each [...]