Little Hearts project grows from strength to strength, but needs more support
3D image of the new complex now under construction
An initiative to benefit thousands of Sri Lanka’s most vulnerable children is the Little Hearts project of the Lady Ridgeway Hospital (LRH).
Little Hearts was started to fill the urgent need for a cardiac and critical care complex to save the lives of thousands of children suffering from heart disease and other critical illnesses each year by providing timely medical treatment. Initially founded by a few concerned Sri Lankan citizens, with the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians, it has snowballed into a project which has touched the lives of millions of Sri Lankans who have made donations to fund this project.
Congenital heart disease is the No. 1 most occurring birth defect among newborn babies worldwide. In Sri Lanka alone, more than 3,000 children are born with heart diseases each year. Many of them are from impoverished families and all receive equal treatment from LRH. However, with the current facilities available, LRH is able to provide timely treatment to only 50% of children with heart diseases and 40% of children who are critically ill with various afflictions like pneumonia, dengue and COVID-19 among others.
A vital and urgent need to prevent the loss of 3 – 5 children per day – who could and would have been saved if there were better facilities – prompted the project.
The proposed cardiac and critical care complex is designed to improve all cardiac, medical, and newborn intensive care facilities. Additional resources for advanced cardiac investigations, staff training facilities and even a bone-marrow transplant unit have been planned.
Millions of Sri Lankans have been moved to join hands and support the cause. Since its initiation in 2016, citizens, the government, non-profits, SMEs, schools and both large and small corporations have come together to raise funds.
Even the tri-forces of our nation are lending their support – the Army and Air Force have made considerable donations, and it is the Navy that is constructing the complex. They have not charged a single cent for their labour and their deep commitment to the project is evidenced by the already-built 12 storey building structure which is to be completed by end 2022.
In 2022, donate to Little Hearts and save a child in the name of a loved one.
Every cent donated goes straight into funding for the construction. The financial pathways are transparent – all money deposited goes to the National Health Development Fund and is redirected to the SL Navy construction procedures under the consultancy of the Ceylon Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB). KPMG is auditing the Little Hearts accounts.
How much should you donate?
Children can make till (piggy bank) donations. Donors who contribute Rs 10,000 are termed ‘Life Supporters’ as their donations bring the project closer to its goal. Construction of a single floor would be Rs. 200 million (or one million USD).
However, no amount is too small, and every rupee donated counts.
How to give | |
Direct bank deposits:
Account name: LITTLE HEARTS Account number: 79738633 Swift Code: BCEYLKLX Bank Code: 7010 Branch Code: 38
Account name: Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians Account No: 002930026126 Online donations:
(Secure payment gateway from Sampath Bank)
After Login, Go to “Make a Payment”, select from list of payees “Donations / Charity”, ”Little Hearts – Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians” Monthly SMS donations using Dialog or Hutch mobile
(Rs. 90 will be credited to Little Hearts from your mobile bill every month) Donate your Dialog Star points
Donate at “Pay and Go” Kiosks
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