Not just the flu, so take your vaccines to ward off severe illness and death thro’ Omicron
- Vaccines save lives and prevent severe disease in COVID-19.
- Do not be under the impression that Omicron which is causing a steep dramatic upward rise is “just a cold or flu”. This is a misconception and vulnerable people are dying.

Dr. Geethal Perera
This was the reality check that frontline Respiratory Physicians, who treat COVID-19 patients day in, day out, underscored on Friday.
The messages from an eminent four-member panel from the Sri Lanka College of Pulmonologists, which has as its logo the lungs and respiratory tract, were simple, clear and succinct.
The panel comprised the President of the Sri Lanka College of Pulmonologists, Dr. Geethal Perera who is attached to the Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital; Dr. Eshanth Perera of the National Hospital for Respiratory Diseases, Welisara; Dr. Wathsala Gunasinghe of the Hambantota District General Hospital; and Dr. Neranjan Dissanayake of the Ratnapura Teaching Hospital.
If you have a cold, like a runny nose or feel fluish, the first suspect should be Omicron. You need to test yourself (Rapid Antigen Testing –RAT) soon. Otherwise, after about a week the test will become negative. In the mistaken belief that it is not COVID-19, you will not isolate yourself at home and will give it to your dear and near ones. You will also go here and there outside your home, passing on the infection.

Dr. Eshanth Perera

Dr. Wathsala Gunasinghe
Explaining that there are two aspects – “what we see, a shifting pattern of symptoms and prognosis and what is being documented in scientific literature”, Dr. Geethal Perera said that if there was a COVID-19 drizzle in 2020, now there is a flood.
Creating powerful imagery, he said that people are getting wet (contracting the disease) and should be ready to get wet as that is what is happening. “Take all the precautions but be prepared for any eventuality, even if you are taking all precautions.”

Dr. Neranjan Disssanayake
The safety precautions are:
- Wearing face masks
- Hand hygiene
- Social distancing
- Avoiding crowds
- Essentially, the 3 doses of the vaccine if you are eligible
Referring to why people are under the misconception or false belief that Omicron is causing only “mild” disease, Dr. Neranjan Dissanayake said that they are keeping two important factors out of the picture – what they have forgotten is that a sizable population is vaccinated and that a sizable population has also got the natural infection.
“We are not a virgin population, like we were at the start of the pandemic with the new coronavirus. When we faced the first infection in 2020, it had a devastating effect. Now into the 3rd year of the pandemic in Sri Lanka’s context, our immune systems have got exposed and attuned to the virus,” he said.
Dr. Neranjan Dissanayake and Dr. Wathsala Gunasinghe compare and contrast the symptoms of COVID-19 which manifested when the virus was newly circulating and now.
Then there were symptoms of the lower respiratory tract:
- Fever; cough; shortness of breath along with abdominal (tummy) pain; diarrhoea; loss of appetite; and loss of taste and smell
Stressing that vaccination has helped to reduce the severity of symptoms in many people, making them more flu-like, the duo point out that now they are manifesting in the upper respiratory tract:
- Runny nose, congestion or stuffiness of the nose; sneezing; sore throat; headache; and myalgia (pains and aches of the muscles)
- The symptoms are also “transient”, going off in a day or two
These Respiratory Physicians point out that many people seeking treatment say that “tika davasakata issella virus unak heduna” (I got a virus fever a few days ago), when asked why they did not take a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT). They don’t seem to link their symptoms with COVID-19.
Dr. Geethal Perera cautions that even though the symptoms go away in two or three days, these people who get the infection or are vaccinated can transmit the virus and infect others.
In one voice, all four Respiratory Physicians urge each and every one to take all three doses of the vaccine being offered by the Health Ministry as they would not only save themselves from severe disease and death but also all those around them.
“Whether elderly, immuno-compromised, weak or on medications for any illness – the 3 doses of the vaccine are crucial,” says Dr. Wathsala Gunasinghe, reiterating that no one should be lackadaisical.
Dr. Neranjan Dissanayake points out that for vulnerable groups, Omicron causes critical illness and could be deadly. These are the people who are being brought to hospital needing oxygen or ventilation. These groups include:
- People who have had renal (kidney) transplants or are on dialysis
- People who have poorly-controlled diabetes
- People who have morbid obesity with other co-morbidities
- People with cancer who are on chemotherapy
“Don’t listen to misinformation and fake news but get your vaccines,” urges Dr. Eshanth Perera.
ALs and COVID management
The Director of the Family Health Bureau, Dr. Chithramalee de Silva told Friday’s media briefing at the Health Promotion Bureau (HPB):
- The Advanced Level (AL) examination is being conducted around the country and children diagnosed with COVID-19 too are sitting the exam.
- There are 29 hospitals/intermediate care centres spread across all districts which are doubling up as exam centres. The positive children are admitted to these institutions a day prior to the exam.
- After 7 days, depending on RT-PCR or antigen test results, these students will be discharged and can come from home for the exam.
- Children with symptoms who have not yet undergone testing to confirm positivity, are isolated from other children, when sitting for the exam.
- All examination centres have a separate section for children who have been first contacts of COVID-19 patients; those who have respiratory illnesses; or those who are in isolation.
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