The 100 Word column on “Circle” has brought a lot of new writers to this page and we have sentiments that range from celebrating the ring that bound one in marriage to despairing the loss of freedom it entailed; the sansara; the cycles of nature; love – interesting reflections, all. The theme for April is “Call”.  Please send in your [...]


100 Words


The 100 Word column on “Circle” has brought a lot of new writers to this page and we have sentiments that range from celebrating the ring that bound one in marriage to despairing the loss of freedom it entailed; the sansara; the cycles of nature; love – interesting reflections, all.

The theme for April is “Call”.  Please send in your contributions before April 27, 2022 as an attached word file to Please also mention the word count, with your name and address. Please note that the work sent to this page maybe edited.

Madhubhashini  Disanayaka  Ratnayake



Juxtaposed ferns grow into

A beautiful arrangement of fronds,

Nesting like a circular enclosure

That is filled with speckled eggs,

Whose destiny is society’s judgement,

Where the grass is greener,

The yoke – and yolk – of wedded life.

Some share a melancholy gathering

Citadels of salt beneath murky irises,

Tormented by God, destiny, and chance,

Who can save the best for the last.

In a flowerpot, the first daffodil blooms

In a miracle that astounds biology.

A couple walks out of an IVF clinic

Down Rosmead Place,

Ferns searching for a bright corolla,

To beautify the sterility of

A vanilla existence.

Dilantha Gunawardana

Our spherical mother

I see the invisible circle

The ink of droplets draws

Tingling through space

Like tiny creatures-

Ants without sands.

My dear cloud

You sing


They flow as the blood

Of our spherical mother

Towards the infinite expanse

The inverted sky-

The sea.

They make love to the sun

And die in vain

To be born

Once again


Splitting themselves

They shower as the rain

Searching to unite

They plunge

Into the oceanic terrain


The flame and the reflection

Meet to make the mirror

An organic whole

A linear cycle

So is lost and found

The drops of my profound sorrow

Rathidevi Manipay 


Iridescent points of light in the orbit of your eyes shining

In the nightly blackness like cats eyes a gleaming

The Hawk, watching its prey, prowling high

Circling around before the deadly plunge below

Like the time we wed, your ring round my finger

Then my slim waist balling over no time to linger

Babies to feed, clean, grow and garner

And me a ready groupie, hostess to your World,

Whirling the social round your career to advance

A palace of spherical splendour our house, but no home

Caught in your Circle, no corner to call my own and roam

Sonali Wijeratne


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