UoC’s staff, students and scholars protest against economic crisis

On Friday, academics and staff members of the University of Colombo held a silent protest on the current economic situation including the power cuts which have caused hardships to the people. Students too. joined the protest campaign. Pic by Indika Handuwala
22,000 graduate teachers to be recruited to Govt. schools: Ed. Ministry
Plan to introduce online transfer system for teachers also in the works The Education Ministry plans to recruit 22,000 new graduate teachers to national and provincial schools within the next three months. Applications have already been called from interested applicants, a senior Education Ministry official said. There are currently 51,000 graduate teachers shortlisted for Government [...]
Fully equipped Blended Learning Centre opened at J’pura University
The fully equipped Blended Learning Centre of University of Sri Jayewardenepura’s Faculty of Applied Sciences, has been opened. It was built under the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) project. The centre has been constructed utilising Rs. 35 million of World Bank funds. The project was initiated for enabling students of the faculty to [...]
South Korea pledges to improve vocational education in Sri Lanka
South Korea has agreed to provide necessary assistance to enhance the vocational education of Sri Lankan students. The pledge came following a visit by South Korean Ambassador Woonjin Jeong and a delegation from South Korea to the Korean Institute of Technical Training (K Tec) in Orugodawatta on Thursday. Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovation [...]
Ragging, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence present in state universities
More than 51 percent of state university students surveyed have been subjected to verbal harassment, 34.3 percent to psychological violence, 23.8 percent to physical abuse, and 16.6 percent to sexual harassment, as a result of ragging. These statistics were revealed in “Prevalence of Ragging and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Sri Lankan State Universities,” a [...]
11th Graduation Ceremony of Uva Wellassa University at Magam Ruhunupura Int. Convention Centre
Graduation marks a momentous occasion in the lives of our graduates and the entire university family. As a student, it’s the next step in their lives and as a faculty together with staff members, we’re awaiting to hear the success stories of our products. Therefore, graduation is a day of celebration for our university.At this [...]
Prof. M. M. Pathmalal appointed Dean of USJ’s Graduate Studies Faculty for the second time

Prof. M. M. Pathmalal was appointed as the new Dean of the Graduate Studies Faculty at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and he began his duties this week. He was appointed as the 6th Dean of the Graduate Studies Faculty for the second time. Senior Professor M. M. Pathmalal is a professor of Zoology, the [...]
Veyangoda Central College Past Students Association AGM today
The 2022/2023 Annual General Meeting of Veyangoda Central College Past Students Association, will take place today (March 27) from 9 a.m. onwards. It will be held at the school’s main hall. All life members and past students are cordially invited by the Past Student Association to attend the AGM.
UoC’s Medical Faculty celebrates 150 years
The Central Bank this week issued a commemorative coin to mark the 150th anniversary of the University of Colombo’s Faculty of Medicine. The coin with a face value of Rs. 20 was issued in recognition of its contribution to the nation as the first medical faculty in the country. A total of 500,000 pieces of [...]
Nurturing Leadership Skills in a Challenging Era: NCHS Student Council 2022/ 2023

While the country faces a turbulent period, it is more essential now than ever that students develop their leadership skills and soft skills, enabling them to excel globally. At the Nawaloka College of Higher Studies(NCHS) students are guided to become both ‘book smart and street smart’. While prioritising their academic journey, they are also given [...]
Gateway College introduces Music Technology

For the first time at school level, Gateway College will offer the Pearson BTEC International Level 2 Award in Music for O level students which will cover not only music performance but composition and digital production as well. BTEC qualifications have a practical, real-world approach to learning and focus on what future practitioners in any [...]
UCL Software Engineering Undergraduate Wins Excellence Award at 99X in 2021

HeshanWickremaratne, a past student from Ananda College is currently a third year Undergraduate of the prestigious University of Central Lancashire, BSc (Hons) Software Engineering degree has had the distinction of winning the “Excellence Award for the Most Outstanding Intern” at 99X I 2021. “Heshan is without a doubt, one of the best interns I have [...]
Monash University rises seven places to rank 57th Globally and 4th in Australia
Monash University Australia celebrates its achievement of recoding the strongest ever performance by surging seven places to rank 57thglobally and earn a place in the Australian Top 4 in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings2022. The Times Higher Education (THE) provides trusted performance data on universities, and their rankings cover three major areas [...]
Explore Exciting Transnational Education Opportunities with UCL
University College Lanka (UCL), www.ucl.lkSri Lanka’s premier transnational higher education provider has benched marked itself in the education sector with World ranked Universities such as Monash University Australia, University of Central Lancashire, UK and Dalhousie University, Canada to provide exciting transnational education opportunities to Sri Lankan students. The May/June intake is now open for students [...]
Another Milestone for the APIIT Law School
For over two decades, APIIT has been a trusted name when it comes to starting a Law Degree in Sri Lanka. The Staffordshire University LLB focusses not only on giving students an in-depth knowledge of law, but also on developing in them the skills and competencies needed for the legal profession. To this end, the [...]
Deakin University says thank you to its agency partners

Deakin University held a function for its agency partners on March 22to show its appreciation, especially for their excellent support during the pandemic. The evening celebrated Deakin’s efforts during the pandemic, and successes are primarily owing to the hard work and support from its agencies in Sri Lanka. All agencies, both new and long-standing agents [...]
Make the Most of 2022 – Begin a New Adventure in the World of Law

When it comes to Law and starting an LLB in Sri Lanka, APIIT has been a trusted name for over two decades. A reputed higher education institution established in partnership with Staffordshire University UK and Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation in Malaysia, APIIT takes pride in its commitment to quality. With local and [...]
Get entry to the Global DBA Classroom from AIT – now at APIIT
The only International campus in Sri Lanka – The Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT) has called for application for Doctor in Business Administration (DBA) Degree awarded by the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) for the July,2022 intake. We will offer 12 places for Sri Lanka in the Global classroom of 2022 said Dr [...]
Brand Purpose- what it means……!

Whilst Sri Lanka is grappling with the economic issue where the government is buying dollars from the black market to clear goods from the port, brand marketing companies are fighting to retain its consumer base due to the spiraling costs. Inflation at record level Whilst the official inflation in February is reported at 17.5%, with [...]
NSBM Faculty of Science

Nurturing the Next Generation of Scientists and Health Professionals NSBM Green University, a government owned higher education institute, has set the stage for a fully-fledged university experience in holistic education whilst offering world-class opportunities in the disciplines of business, management, computing,, IT, engineering, science, interior designing, multimedia and quantity surveying under four faculties. The latest [...]
CA Sri Lanka launches exclusive global credential for finance professionals to fight fraud

In a ground-breaking initiative aimed at combatting fraud and corruption, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) joined hands with the US-based Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) to launch an exclusive global credential for finance professionals in Sri Lanka. The Certified Fraud Examiner qualification, recognised globally as the most contemporary [...]
Scratching a Wound and Fogging the Sight

There are so many people who come to meet me early in the morning merely to talk about the bad side of the country. Furthermore, the moment you turn on the local news, yet again you will hear about the prevailing economic crisis in the country and the tough challenges the people have encountered in [...]
EDEX Hybrid Expo to reach out to all of Sri Lanka with cutting edge technology
EDEX, Sri Lanka’s premier and pioneering education and careers exhibition, will once again take centre stage as it hold its 18th edition on March 26 and 27, offering not only a physical expo at Royal MAS Arena but also a virtual expo for students from all across Sri Lanka to connect and explore the choices, [...]
Shine as a Powerful Public Speaker – Adults, Youth, Children
Most people, of all ages need new energy in their lives and career, following the stress and challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and adapting to the new normal, new avenues and innovative thinking is needed to face the change and go forward in life. The Rainbow Institute of Communication and English as it marks 12 [...]
Meet Excelsia College, Sydney delegates in Colombo!

Excelsia College, Sydney delegates will be in Sri Lanka on an official visit to reiterate the college’s 37-years of unparalleled prestige and commitment in tertiary education for aspiring students. The delegates will be in Sri Lanka from March 31 to April 11 and will meet with the college’s long-standing partners and prospective students interested in [...]
FITIS successfully concludes inaugural Education Forum 2022

The Education and Training Chapter of Federation of Information Technology Industry Sri Lanka (FITIS) in partnership with the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) successfully conducted the inaugural FITIS Education Forum 2022 on Wednesday 16th March 2022 at the Hilton Colombo Residences. Themed “Identifying and responding to emerging challenges in education teaching [...]
SLIIT offered UK Liverpool John Moores University LLB (Hons) Degree gains formal recognition from Law College Council of Education

The SLIIT offered UK’s prestigious Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) LLB (Hons) Degree has received formal recognition from the Law College Incorporated Council of Legal Education of Sri Lanka. Now, students who select the globally acclaimed British Degree have gained the added advantage of receiving formal local recognition and can now augment their careers by [...]
Open Day 2022 at BCI Campus

BCI Campus Negombo, organised an on-campus open day on March 19 offered a foretaste of the university that can help you further your education. It was also aimed at enabling students to make a well-informed decision on pathways to follow their career ambitions. It created the perfect opportunity and ambience for the students to explore [...]
Sanji Caldera associates join hands with Migration & Education Expo–2022 as the Platinum Sponsor

A multi-national immigration consultancy firm specialising in Australian and Canadian migration, Sanji Caldera Associates is the Platinum Sponsor of the Migration & Education Expo-2022. Organised by Global Events, the expo will be held on March 27 at the Galadari Hotel, Colombo. The expo is intended for: Sri Lankan entrepreneurs and businessmen looking to establish new [...]
UK ministers urged to bridge post-Brexit EU structural funds gap

The UK government has been urged to bridge the post-Brexit funding gap left by the loss of European Union structural funds or risk seeing university-led projects “directly supporting local employers, jobs, and communities” collapse. Following the UK’s exit from the EU and the loss of future access to the bloc’s European Structural and Investment Funds [...]
AOD graduate Natharlea Yahampath celebrates international debut at Cracow Fashion Week
Adding to the many accomplishments of the Academy of Design’s growing portfolio of successful alumni, earlier this month BA (Hons) Fashion & Textile Design graduate Natharlea Yahampath celebrated her debut international showcase at the Cracow Fashion Week in Poland. Owing to the powerful collaboration between the Design University and Poland- backed by support from the [...]
SLT-MOBITEL celebrates achievements of the SLT Training Centre students
SLT-MOBITEL, the National ICT Solutions Provider, held the Graduation Ceremony of its education arm, the SLT Training Centre (SLTTC), on March 9, at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall. Degrees and diplomas were conferred on graduates of the BEng (Hons) Degree Programme awarded by the University of Hertfordshire, UK and the BTEC HND Electrical and [...]
ANC Career Fair 2022

Choosing a prospective career is the next big step for students who complete their higher studies. However, many find it a challenge to find a career of their choice in highly competitive environments that span across all sectors. This is why ANC promotes international standard educational qualifications with work experience to ensure that graduates enter [...]
Sri Lanka’s oldest and largest producer of qualified Laboratory Technician

Diploma in Laboratory Technology (DLT) is the oldest and most renowned programme in Sri Lanka that produce professionally qualified Laboratory Technicians annually. This successful programme will be enrolling its 49th batch for the year 2022. Students who have successfully completed this course conducted by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon are currently employed in many well-known [...]
Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka and CFA Society Sri Lanka continue to advance capital market governance standards

As CFA Society Sri Lanka counts down to the ninth annual CFA Capital Market Awards scheduled to be held in June this year, it takes stock of the myriad of stakeholders – including industry regulators – who are part of the flagship event, which recognises and rewards professionals who have established benchmarks for the advancement [...]
The issuance of Circulation Standard Commemorative coin to mark the 150th Anniversary of Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo or ‘the Colombo Medical School’ was established in 1870 by the then Governor Sir Hercule Robinson. The faculty is one of the oldest Medical Colleges in South Asia which served as the single pioneer center in the field of medical education for more than a century in Sri [...]