Why China won’t mediate an end to the Ukraine war

CAMBRIDGE – Russian President Vladimir Putin thought he could quickly capture Kyiv and replace Ukraine’s government. Whether he was misled by poor intelligence or by his own fantasies about history, his “smash and grab” failed in the face of effective Ukrainian resistance. He then turned to a brutal bombardment of cities like Mariupol and Kharkiv [...]
I tried watching ‘The Kashmir Files.’ I left the theatre to screams of ‘Go to Pakistan.’

The collective conscience of India is being altered beyond repair with hatred so potent that it even consumes the seemingly most unlikely people — such as the elderly man who arrived in a wheelchair to the theater to watch “The Kashmir Files.” Two weeks ago, I gathered the courage to go watch the film against [...]
Scaling up BIMSTEC in the new era
The 5th BIMSTEC Summit ended on March 30, at Colombo in Sri Lanka. The Summit adopted the BIMSTEC Charter for the first time since its inception in 1997, and signed three Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) on the BIMSTEC Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, Mutual Cooperation Between Diplomatic Academics and Training Institutions of [...]
Aluth Avurudhu beats
Be positive’, was the advice of an optimistic presidential supporter when we heard of the savage announcement of a 10-hour power cut on Tuesday night. “Look at the brighter side, there will be a continuous supply of electricity for 14 hours,” he pointed out, in impeccable logic. There will be eight hours for sleep and [...]
Sri Lankan professor-led US team discovers way to destroy viruses

Biola University’s School of Science, Technology and Health announced in a media release that a cutting-edge discovery was made by students and faculty led by Dr. Richard Gunesekera showing that molecular nanomachines can destroy viruses. The research paper is being published in the April issue of the prestigious academic journal SCIENCE. In early 2020, Biola [...]
Scaling up BIMSTEC in the new era
The 5th BIMSTEC Summit ended on March 30, at Colombo in Sri Lanka. The Summit adopted the BIMSTEC Charter for the first time since its inception in 1997, and signed three Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) on the BIMSTEC Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, Mutual Cooperation Between Diplomatic Academics and Training Institutions of [...]