To be a cut above the rest, join hands with USJ MBA/MSC as a learning partner
Prof. Aruna Gamage Coordinator, MBA/MSc in Management Programme Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce University of Sri Jayewardenepura
The University of Sri Jayewardenepura is all set to commence its MBA and MSc in Management programmes for the year 2023. In keeping with the mission to develop globally competent citizens through the education for a sustainable future drawing inspirations from the cultural heritage and wisdom, Prof, Aruna Gamage, the coordinator of the MBA/MSc in Management programme of the university shared his insights on the invaluable MBA/MSc program for 2023 with the Sunday Times.
The MBA/MSc in Management degree programmes offered by the Postgraduate Centre for Business Studies of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura are the most sought-after postgraduate qualifications in the field of management in Sri Lanka. The Faculty has been producing business leaders who are flexible, adaptable, creative and ready to face any challenges and uncertainties in the highly competitive business for more than 60 years. It is grooming future leaders who will uphold its values, i.e., Wisdom, Excellence, Diversity, Moral Excellence, and Creativity by providing transformative education and creating a strong research culture which are relevant to the needs of the business world and the academia.
Learning partners of the USJ MBA and MSc programs will enjoy the benefits of the timely updated curriculum which continuously incorporates the new trends in higher education in management and advanced teaching modes. It endeavors to provide a balanced education which blends the best of relevant theory and practice by using appropriate technology and by forging interactions between the university and the wider society. The workshops, guest lectures and strategic forums organised by the USJ MBA and MSc programs with the participation of both academics and key personalities from the corporate sector further foster the opportunities of learning theory and practice, making learning partners more pragmatic persons.
USJ MBA and MSc programmes focus on improving not only the knowledge but also the skills and attitudes of young managers. The Outbound Programmes (OBT), which is a unique feature embedded in the USJ MBA and MSc programmes will enhance various skills including teamwork, trust-building, risk-taking, communication, flexibility, adaptability and creativity which are indispensable attributes for a prospective manager and a leader.
As the University of Sri Jayewardenepura identifies the importance of having a balanced work-life, learning partners of the USJ MBA and MSc programmes have the opportunity to spend their spare time using the sporting and fitness facilities of the university. Yoga programs and Toastmasters programs are also unique features of the USJ MBA and MSc programmes which focus on non-work-life and the well-being of the learning partners.
The USJ MBA and MSc programs are a great platform to build networks among colleagues as learning partners represent different industries, different fields, different cultural backgrounds and different geographies. This will pave the way for the learning partners to interact with prospective business managers and executives. USJ MBA and MSc alumni are unique in building networks. The Alumni Association of the USJ MBA and MSc programmes comprise managers and leaders of the corporate sector and public sector organisations and renowned academics and scholars both in local as well as international environments.
Celebrations of cultural events, gatherings and parties, the Graduation Ceremony and the Graduation Ball are a few of the most memorable events of the journey with the USJ MBA and MSc programmes. The USJ MBA and MSc programmes will be a voyage filled with memorable events and undoubtedly remain a remarkable experience in your life.
Prof. Aruna Gamage
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