Commencing in 1994, the Australian Training Awards are the peak national awards for the vocational education and training (VET) sector. The ACT Training Awards is an annual opportunity to showcase the commitment, innovation, and outstanding achievements of all those involved in the ACT vocational education and training (VET) sector. The awards recognise, reward, and promote [...]


Key 2 Learning wins ACT Small Training Provider of the Year 2022 Award


Commencing in 1994, the Australian Training Awards are the peak national awards for the vocational education and training (VET) sector. The ACT Training Awards is an annual opportunity to showcase the commitment, innovation, and outstanding achievements of all those involved in the ACT vocational education and training (VET) sector. The awards recognise, reward, and promote the training efforts and success of apprentices, trainees, VET students, teachers/trainers, registered training organisations and employers in the ACT across 13 categories. Winners in aligned categories also go on to compete for national success at the Australian Training Awards. The ACT Government is committed to ensuring the ACT has a high-quality VET sector.

Key 2 Learning College who was nominated finalist under the category ‘ACT Small Training Provider of the Year 2022 Award’ and was announced winners at the recently concluded awards presentation held on 15th September 2022 at the QT Hotel, Canberra. It was a collective team effort of Key 2 Learning College, not limiting to its hard work, dedication and commitment to supporting and empower students to “unlock their potential”.

“We have a strong VET sector here in the ACT with high-quality training providers, offering a huge range of courses that meet the needs of learners and employers. These awards are a great opportunity to stop and celebrate the commitment, innovation and achievements of those involved in the sector. Through our Skilled to Succeed agenda, the ACT Government is committed to supporting the ambitions of our providers, our students and our employers. The quality of the ACT sector is certainly showcased with these award winners.” said Minister of Skills Chris Steel.

Alleyne Forjanic, Chief Executive Officer and Michael Bermejo, Director of Key 2 Learning College in their joint statement mentioned “we are delighted to have won this prestigious award in recognition of the high quality, innovative, and best-practice vocational education that our college delivers to our students. This award is also recognition to the dedication and commitment of our trainers and staff and reflects the endorsement and support from our students and industry partners”.

Key 2 Learning College (RTO 88191, CRICOS 03644F) is an innovative institution that provide vocational education and training, consultancy and professional development services. At Key 2 Learning College our point of difference is our ability to contextualize training and consultancy to meet your needs. We have experience in continuous improvement, management and service provision across a range of sectors in aged care, health, mental health, disability and education. We believe consultation and partnership are integral to improved outcomes for all.

Key 2 Learning College offers students an unparalleled level of education across a wide range of study disciplines. Key 2 Learning College incorporates the latest and most innovative learning concepts and employs highly experienced trainers with extensive industry experience. Key 2 Learning College courses are practical, work-oriented and students get to practice their skills and knowledge in real life workplaces. This is one of the reasons why Key 2 Learning College students are well placed to find employment after graduation.

Key 2 Learning College is widely recognised for the quality of its graduates and for its strong partnerships with industry. Key 2 Learning College is committed to providing a caring and fostering learning environment for students. Key 2 Learning College has articulation pathways with leading Australian Universities with students able to gain entry into Bachelor degree qualifications with up to 1-year of credit.

Key 2 Learning College and Key 2 Care Health Solutions introduced the Overseas Nurses Carers Programme, Australia in collaboration with AIESEC’s Global Citizen Exchange Programme. There are qualified nurses currently in Australia going through the youth exchange programme. We are also interested to enrol students from Sri Lanka to our courses in our campuses located in Canberra and Sydney.

Interested students and potential candidates for GCEP shall contact our in-country consultant for more details and please email your interest and queries to:

Key 2 Learning College
(RTO 88191, CRICOS 03644F);

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