SLIIT’s gains global research prominence for MBA programmes with another successful journal paper published with H-Index 367
View(s):Recognised for its strong foundation of higher learning based on critical thinking and innovation, SLIIT’s recent milestones in research is a testament to the university’s thriving research ecosystem.
As a hub of exploration and research, SLIIT has once again, achieved success gaining a H-index 367 with a recently published journal paper. SLIIT MBA student Presant Thevakumar’s journal paper on the topic ‘Exchange rate sensitivity influencing the economy: The case of Sri Lanka’ has been accepted for publication in the PLOS ONE, the largest scholarly journal in the world. Conversations with the Author and Research Supervisor showcases SLIIT’s academic prowess as a premier learning and teaching institution.

Prof. Ruwan Jayathilaka
Why was this specific area/topic selected?
Presant Thevakumar: With a background in IT, I wanted to diversify my portfolio broaden my horizons. Research is a compulsory component in the 2nd year of the MBA and we have to submit a proposal and complete it within a one year. I had a general interest in business. Of course, everyone is interested in money, how to spend it, only a few understand how money works and have some form of financial freedom.
Many countries in the world including Sri Lanka use different currencies with different economies. From my childhood, I recall the different dollar rates and at one time, 1 USD was equivalent to Rs 100 but now it is almost Rs 375/-. I was genuinely curious of the underlying factors and wanted to explore this scenario further.
How will your research help society?
PT: My research seeks to explain the factors which impact Sri Lanka’s exchange rate. Identify factors which have a major impact that affect the LKR/USA exchange rate and the major contributors to the exchange fluctuations and volatility. The research will help policy makers or the future generations to implement to have the right policies and help Sri Lanka to become a prosperous nation.
Did SLIIT give you the freedom to select your topic?
PT: Definitely. We had the freedom to choose. There were no boundaries set, no specific topics or areas. We had independence from the University to select a topic we liked and SLIIT assigned a suitable supervisor. Unlike other universities which would give you a topic, here it was very different, and I had the freedom to select my topic.
How did your Supervisor support you in completing the research?

Mr. Presant Thevakumar
PT: My supervisor was Prof. Ruwan Jayathilaka and I consider him an extraordinary individual. I have been able to publish my paper in a prestigious research journal and achieve an H-index mainly due to my supervisor and SLIIT’s support
My research work began during Covid in 2021 until December 2021. Throughout, he was supportive and very flexible constantly advising regarding corrections, revisions, re-editing and reviewing multiple times, even during late nights. He was my continuous guide and adviser and without him my achievement would not have been possible.
How did the facilities at SLIIT
help you in your research?
PT: This is not an ordinary research, it involved access to many resources. The software I used are very complex and prohibitive costs reduces individual access. SLIIT gave me the necessary tools, guidance, the expertise, and advised how to navigate the MBA. With SLIIT’s support I was able to complete my research in December, the paper was submitted to the Journal and accepted in May and finally published in June.
Why do you believe SLIIT is the ideal choice for an MBA?
PT: I had the flexibility to meet supervisors and to choose subjects. SLIIT also provided the opportunity and the independence to explore my passion. An MBA in SLIIT enables you to discover yourself and become a very successful person. I believe it was among my best decisions ever.
What are your future plans?
PT: My research is very technical, and hard for people who do not have any background in financial literacy to understand. I plan to make it simpler, enabling an audience which has a secondary education to utilise the research, and apply it in their daily lives. When it is transformed into a simpler article, I aim to publish it in a forum or in a blog.
I hope to continue this research because in Sri Lanka, research related to exchange volatility and fluctuations are very rare. I aim to continue studies undertaking a PhD in Exchange Rates and compare Sri Lanka with other countries, to look at Sri Lanka’s suitability for a currency board, and how the nation can become more prosperous nation.
Prof. Ruwan Jayathilaka, Associate Professor, SLIIT Business School, as Supervisor for the Paper shares his views on the importance of H-index rankings and Presant Thevakumar’s achievement
In your view how the important it is for students to achieve H-Index ranking status
RJ: Publication is a common method scholars use to demonstrate academic talent. Quality publication of research brings attention to scholars and their institutions, and possibility of more funding for the institute and also to ensure an individual’s progress through their field. A higher H-index in students’ early academic carrier adds value to their work, enhancing their visibility when seeking positions either in or out of academia. For research related scholarships or jobs , it is necessary to have some quality papers published as it is indicative of experience.
How did you guide the student towards this accomplishment?
RJ: It is a continuous process of guidance with clear direction involving encouraging, mentoring. Setting expectations early in the dissertation, being flexible, planning the process and managing time spent on supervision are important. Also providing constructive and prompt feedback and criticism of their work. To communicate to students the resources available at SLIIT. Importantly offer guidance and expertise in the research methodologies required is advantageous in producing quality research papers.
In your view how impactful is the selected topic?
RJ: This study investigated the impact of macroeconomic factors influencing the exchange rate in Sri Lanka. This is unique in two dimensions. Firstly, to model exchange rate volatility using advanced models. Secondly, to identify the major factors that impact Sri Lanka’s exchange rate. Although a few studies have been conducted, they either examined multiple variables for a short period or have examined one variable for a long period. This study focused on the newly available up-to-date data and information, analysing factors which significantly influenced volatility. This research also focused on the most recent economic phenomena of Sri Lanka and used Gross official reserve as a variable that was rarely used in existing literature on Sri Lankan exchange rate. The research will be beneficial to all stakeholders who are exposed to foreign exchange volatility including policymakers, importers, exporters, and financial institutions can benefit from this study’s findings.
Prof. Samantha Thelijjagoda – Dean of SLIIT Business School
“Quality research must be novel, creative and positively influence the development of a field. Increasing our research activity has been a priority and we are pleased that that SLIIT is now recognised as a dynamic research university with faculty and students who are producing cutting-edge research. Today, the hard work done by our students and supervisors are gaining limelight”
Prof. Rahula Attalage – Dean – Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research
“Our excellent track-record in research continues with impressive H-index rankings. Building a thriving research ecosystem enables SLIIT to create intellectual capital and register new milestones. We trust our world-class research and its findings will be able to address key societal challenges, creating a sustainable future for all. We aim to continue to support our research students to gain a much larger foothold in predominant international rankings.” is the best and biggest mobile phone market in Sri Lanka, and we guarantee you will find what you need here from our extensive listing of mobile phones for sale in Sri Lanka. Whether it’s a budget-priced smartphone for communication, or higher end features with advanced connectivity, there are many different options from which to choose from on our site!