Don’t limit yourself to one university! NCUK International Year One The NCUK International Year One is a first-year undergraduate equivalent programme that builds students’ knowledge and skills. It prepares and qualifies students for entry to the second year of undergraduate courses offered by NCUK universities. NCUK guarantees students a place on a programme of study [...]


Choices Galore with NCUK at APIIT

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Don’t limit yourself to one university!

NCUK International Year One

The NCUK International Year One is a first-year undergraduate equivalent programme that builds students’ knowledge and skills. It prepares and qualifies students for entry to the second year of undergraduate courses offered by NCUK universities.

NCUK guarantees students a place on a programme of study at one of the NCUK universities, provided that the student performs to the level specified by the NCUK Guarantee.

APIIT is now proud to offer the NCUK Year One in both Law and Business. On completion of NCUK International Year One in Law, students can transfer to Aston University, University of Bradford, University of Huddersfield, Leeds Beckett University, University of Sheffield or the Sheffield Hallam University in UK.

For students who complete NCUK International Year One in Business, a range of leading universities in UK and Australia are available for progression.

NCUK International Foundation Year

The NCUK International Foundation Year is a unique qualification that helps students transition from secondary to tertiary education. Established in 1987 in the UK, NCUK is a consortium of leading universities dedicated to giving international students guaranteed access to universities worldwide and helping them succeed when they get there. The systematic process enables students to receive the support needed from registration for the qualification, right until they settle in at university on completion of their programme.

One Entry Qualification accepted by Leading Universities and Thousands of Degrees!

With a diverse set of subjects, as well as opportunities for qualified students to progress directly to university, NCUK supports thousands of students each year on their academic journeys. The qualification is recognised by universities throughout the world.

The NCUK International Foundation Year qualification is designed in collaboration with their partner universities and combine high academic standards with language, study, social and cultural skills.

Students who progress to NCUK Universities have a choice to study one of thousands of different degree courses, enabling them to build enriching careers following graduation or upon obtaining further qualifications.

Advantages of NCUK Study Programmes

Since 1987, NCUK has helped over 35,000 international students from 100 nationalities gain access to leading universities. The main advantages include 99% visa success rate for NCUK students, 90% of NCUK students getting into their first-choice university, and 80% of NCUK students achieving a first- or second-class degree at university.

Available now in Sri Lanka only through APIIT

Established in 1999, APIIT Sri Lanka is well known for its contribution to the higher education industry in Sri Lanka.  APIIT is proud to introduce the NCUK International Foundation Year to students who have completed their O/L examinations and the NCUK International Year One to students who have completed their A/L examinations.

These programmes will equip students with an internationally recognized qualification, which will be the stepping stone to any degree of choice from NCUK’s world-renowned partner universities throughout the world.

For more information on NCUK, call APIIT Colombo on 0765 788 788 or APIIT Kandy on 0773 577 877, or email Refer to our website for updates on life at APIIT!


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