Are Churchill’s predictions on Indians made 75 years ago valid?

To Indians who long to be ‘the greatest on earth’, Diwali (Deepawali to Sri Lankans) on Monday was the most joyous day in recent times. At the Melbourne Cricket Grounds — packed with 90,000 fanatical Indians and Pakistanis screaming their heads off– India not only beat their rivals in the last ball of the game [...]
The orgy at the end of the world

By Slavoj Žižek, exclusive to the Sunday Times, Sri Lanka LJUBLJANA – With Ukrainian forces reclaiming territory and sending Russia’s demoralised occupiers scurrying in retreat, Russian President Vladimir Putin has escalated his threat to use nuclear weapons. Politicians have issued stern warnings to the Kremlin, and commentators have compared the current moment to the 1962 [...]
The whole world is facing a debt crisis, but richer countries can afford to stop it
By Patrick E. Shea Countries across the world are drifting towards a debt crisis. Economic slowdowns and rising inflation have increased demands on spending, making it almost impossible for many governments to pay back the money they owe. In normal times, those countries could simply take on new debt to replace the old debt. But [...]
The Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists – New Office Bearers 2022/2023

At the Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists held on October 14, the following members were elected as office bearers. President: Dr Rohini Wadanamby President Elect: Dr Malika Karunaratne Vice President: Dr Sujatha Pathirage Joint Secretaries: Dr Chathuri Gunasekera, Dr Naamal Jayawardena Co-Treasurers: Dr Sumudu Suranadee, Dr Chintha Karunasekara Co-Editors: [...]
WCIC new board of Management for 22/23 announced

The Women’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce (WCIC) conducted its 37th Annual General Meeting on October 23 at Jetwing Colombo Seven. Ms Anoji De Silva was re-appointed as the Chairperson for 2022/2023. Addressing the gathering of members, past Chairpersons and Founder Members in her speech, Anoji reiterated and pledged to stay true to its vision: [...]
Why do Americans vote for extremists?
By Jeffrey Frankel, exclusively for the Sunday Times in Sri Lanka American voters seem poised to hand the Republican Party control of the House of Representatives, and possibly the Senate as well, in November’s midterm elections. The same goes for many state races, where polls show Republicans gaining ground. Such an outcome could have profound [...]