
Cultivators armed to protect their nuts

Cultivators armed to protect their nuts

In the Puttalam District, drought-hit coconut cultivators were yesterday invited to the Coconut Cultivation Board’s district office to discuss a range of issues including the…

BOI tasked to get foreign investors for mines

The Cabinet has approved several proposals by President Ranil Wickremesinghe aimed at promoting foreign and local investment in the country’s mineral resources sector in a…

Ministry withholds India-made dialysis mini caps after detection of fungus

The Health Ministry has withheld a batch of mini caps–a medical device used in a type of dialysis carried out through the abdomen lining–following the…

Business Times

Leather products

Leather products

Shoes on sale at a leather products exhibition and sale held this week at the Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Centre in Colombo. Pic by…

Tea for oil deal with Iran gets going

Sri Lanka and Iran have set the tea for oil deal in motion with the first payment made in August and tea shipments scheduled for…

20% surge for tourism in winter, room rates to cash in more revenues

With the increasing tourist traffic to Sri Lanka, hoteliers are optimistic of a 20 per cent increase in bookings for the next winter season. “Winter…

Sunday Times E-Paper


Equal citizens looking for equality

Once ‘the hewers of wood and drawers of water’ for the British Raj, launched an attention-grabbing programme – ‘Maanbumigu Malaiyaha Makkal’, retracing the journey of the first groups of women and men – brought to Ceylon/Sri Lanka to work in the newly opened, labour intensive coffee estates in the central…



Long walk for equality

Long walk for equality

59-year-old R. Venu has walked 248 kilometres in 15 days. His knees are swollen, his skin has been burnt by a harsh, unforgiving sun and…

A young life saved by ECMO

Letters to the Editor


SOSL POPS: Back for LC

Young voices to the fore at ‘Speak to Lead’

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Sunday Times 2

Use and abuse of Buddhism in geopolitics

Use and abuse of Buddhism in geopolitics

Myanmar’s military junta leader, Gen MinAung Hliang on July 21 consecrated the world’s biggest seated Buddha…

Old school mottoes

Politics of violence, in the lead-up to the deadly Anuradhapura blast

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An album for everyone

An album for everyone

Musician Sacha Spence tells Shannon Salgadoe about his collaboration with Olivier award- winning actor Hiran Abeysekera…

Greek youth choir to perform here

Music News

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