Vol. 31 No. 09 ISSN: 1391 - 0531
11th August 1996

- Front Page News
* US pooh-poohs LTTE's
pleas and protests * ICJ, IPI to monitor Editor's trial from now * Get ready for
local polls, says Chandrika * NGOs kept out of Kilinochchi * Shaky Govt. Offers
sops to Tamil parties
- News/Comment
CP wants Workers' Charter
implemented * Two dons in Bosnia group * Hotels slash rates to stay afloat * CPC
pays Rs. 360m. for excess staff * Phone tapping: reply in two weeks * Five LTTE
men killed * War used for political end - NSSP * Maha Bodhi's 100th meeting * No
end to surveyors' strike * Terrorism and the dilemma of the media * Mahindapala
and the muddy rut * Govt. Policy leading to a major financial crisis * The
Malaysian miracle' * Russia's Vietnam or Chechen Jihad? * Ashraff: something's
terribly wrong in the state of Lanka * Watch out for the free press that
suppresses the news * Saudi jobs: an ambassador's answer * TIME news: biased or
- Business News
* Economic time bomb in our
hands * Alliance Finance makes profit * Bottomline * Mind Your Business *
Balance of payments problem * Govt. Turns to treasury bonds * Lanka Carbon
accounts qualified * Malaysians want special treatment * Discount card for
middle class clients
- Plus
* Elephant walk * Tying and untying the
- Sports News
* Air Force, Red Diamonds win
their matches * Aussies will play: no extra pay * CRushing defeat for Police *
Eight Lankans in Asian * HNB crowned as netball queens * Johnnie Walker Golf in
Lanka * Red Shirts flatten Kandy by 28-5 * Organisers rap Lankan expatriates *
More shady deals under the pool * Junior Lions beaten
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