The Guest Column by Victor Ivon

7th May 2000

Circle of a crisis

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Sri Lanka has become an unfortunate country caught in a vicious circle of crises from which there is no escape. It appears that an inherent and special feature of that circle is that each crisis is bigger and more dangerous than those preceding it. 

One could say that this vicious circle took the stage in 1958 as Sinhala-Tamil riots. In 1971 it took the form of a rebellion of the Sinhala youth of the south. In 1983 it came as a racist riot. In 88-90 it emerged as a fanatic insurrection on the part of Sinhala youth in the South against the intervention of a foreign country to control an armed movement in the North aimed at winning a separate state. 

However, it is impossible to think that a change of government will lead to a new efficient administration which will be able to overcome the existing crisis. While the former UNP government's allegedly corrupt and inefficient administration contributed to the growth of a movement which had numbered less than 200 persons before July '83 into a position in which it was able to successfully challenge a standing army 

. Consequently, it is also inevitable that the war that existed between the government and a guerrilla organisation may turn into a fierce war Censored Censored Censored

So far, in this war we had monopoly of the skies. Therefore, we were able to bomb any target of theirs from the air. 

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