![]() 7th January 2001 |
News/Comment| Editorial/Opinion| Business| Sports| Mirror Magazine |
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2001: What lies ahead?By Hiranthi Fernando![]() According to the Information Services Department of the Royal Greenwich Observatory, "A millennium is a period of 1000 years. The first year of the millennium hinges on the date of the first year AD. The sequence of years going from BC to AD does not include a Year 0, the sequence runs 2 BC, 1BC, 1AD, 2 AD etc. Therefore the first year of the first millennium was 1 AD The one thousandth year was 1000 AD and the first day of the second millennium was 1001 AD. It is thus clear that the start of the new millennium will be January 1, 2001." Amidst the millennium confusion, the question uppermost in the minds of many people, however, is what 2001 has in store for us. The Sunday Times spoke to three reputed astrologers for their forecasts for this year. "The figures of the date 01.01.2001 add up to five, which indicates that January 1 dawned under the Purva Putuwa nekatha," said Swamy K.P. Ramanathan, Chief Priest of Torrington Murugan Temple, an astrologer of many years' experience. "Sri Lanka is in the Kumba lagna. According to the nekatha, the signs are of great benefit to the country. There will be co-operation between the people irrespective of race or caste divisions to take a decision on the problems affecting the country," he said. Swamy Ramanathan explained that when the year dawned, Saturn and Venus had interchanged places, which is known as parivardhana yoga. This situation is conducive to peace in the country, he said. Assistance from foreign countries will also be forthcoming in finding a solution to the problems. "There will be a favourable period for those involved in finance, such as bankers," the Swamy said. "The signs are also good for development and education. Our children will have more opportunities for travelling abroad for education as well as employment. There will be great progress in computer education." There will be a favourable climate for the building industry, the Swamy added, predicting also that agriculture will develop. Improved scientific methods of cultivation will bring higher yields, which will ensure sufficient food for the people. "However, I see some drawbacks with regard to water," he said. "There could be much damage caused by floods and storms." Swamy Ramanathan foresees the development of understanding between the rulers in a climate of peace. For working women, he sees a better future with prospects of career progress. The year is also expected to be favourable for the prevention and control of disease. For those involved in garment factories and the clothing industry too the year bodes well, with room for new industries to open up. "Studying all these factors I find good prospects for Sri Lanka," the Swamy said. "February, March and April are seen to be an auspicious period from the planetary positions. Most of all there will be good understanding developing among the people. I convey my blessings for good friendship and success for Sri Lanka," he concluded. "Athough the public had great expectations of the Year 2000, there was a very bad period from June 6, 2000 until now, not only in Sri Lanka but throughout the world," said Mr. Daniel Gamaariya, another reputed astrologer, whose forecast for the Year 2001 was not so rosy. "Storms, air disasters, great robberies and many destructive events occurred in 2000 and according to the planetary positions, the Year 2001 is not a very auspicious period too. I foresee much violence, thuggery, murders and threats to peace." Mr. Gamaariya said that although the President and Prime Minister are engaged in various efforts to promote development in the country, it will be difficult to achieve due results. Problems and shortages will arise bringing in their wake, protests and uprisings against the Government. "National and international leaders are making strong efforts to find solutions to the problem of terrorism," Mr. Gamaariya commented. "However, it will be difficult to make this a success. Prabhakaran and his leaders will have differences of opinion. In April/May, Prabhakaran's health will be affected. Mr. Gamaariya predicted that by the middle of the year there would be an inauspicious event, such as death or serious illness, concerning an important political figure in the country. "The behaviour of Taurus and Capricorn will bring an unfavourable situation for the country and the people," he added. "Until June 6, the affairs of the President will be successful but there are signs of a sudden election. From June 15, there will be a troublesome period. According to Mr. Gamaariya's forecast, although there would be more efforts by the leaders to co-operate, there could be disputes among the Members of Parliament. "A favourable situation is not seen until the end of the year," he said. Particularly in the period from September 28th till December 18th, all should act with care and caution. As during the past year, the year 2001 will also bring destruction and trouble. However, the bad period can be averted if the government leaders and other officials act with due thought and care." Mr. Jayatissa Dharmadasa of the Hewa Astrological Bureau, sees a difficult period in the first part of the year, until April 10. "Arising from the economic situation, transport problems and the war situation, there are signs of uprisings among the people," Mr. Dharmadasa said. Mars in Scorpio indicates hidden signs. Insurgencies, fires or explosions are indicated. "From April 10th to June 16th, Mr. Dharmadasa sees signs of co-operation between the Government and Opposition and a bad time for those who oppose them. "The war situation shows signs of improvement after April 10," Mr. Dharmadasa said. "After June 16, Jupiter enters the House of Gemini, which bodes well for the country. "This period is especially favourable for sports activities, transport, health and education. New methods used in the sports field will usher in future development. The advice of upright, practical persons will be acted on. Many new achievements are seen especially in women's sports." In the health sector, signs of Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn shows increasing trends towards narcotics and sex exploitation. At the same time, Venus will be in Aquarius, indicating an increase in abnormal sexual activities and sex crimes. Sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS will be on the increase. However, the plus point would be increased awareness and fear of contagion which will bring in more preventive and curative measures. "After June, when Jupiter enters Gemini, which is the major planetary change, a favourable period will dawn for foreign investment in the country," Mr. Dharmadasa said. "The overall situation would be better after June. There will be a vast improvement in both school education and higher education. New advances in science and technology will open up international fields to our students. There will be a strong impetus and encouragement given to the learning of foreign languages by the state. Multinational companies and aid groups will join in to improve the transport industry. The war situation also shows sign of improving after June," he added. |
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