![]() 5th August 2001 |
News/Comment| Editorial/Opinion| Plus| Sports| Mirror Magazine |
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Brand for SL – a formidable challengeBy Akhry AmeerBOI Chairman Lalith de Mel has called upon the apparel exporters to work towards creating a brand for Sri Lanka to succeed in the quota free era and that this would be a formidable challenge. In his address as Chief Guest of the post-business session of the AGM of the Sri Lanka Apparel Exporters' Association last week, Mr. de Mel said that the industry needs to explore the supply, distribution and marketing variables in strategic management to ascertain how it can gain a competitive advantage. He cited the structures of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies as an example of successful companies. "An FMCG is 80 percent goodwill and only 20 percent tangible assets. The goodwill is the brand. This applies to all brands. Not only can a company emerge as a brand but a country can emerge as a brand like Swiss watches or Havana cigars. So the way ahead is to create a brand for Sri Lanka," he said. The newly appointed BOI chief further added that apparel manufacturers need to adopt a total marketing approach and must truly understand their customers. He said that the trend in European countries in looking out for suppliers is not organisations that can fulfil the order but those considered socially responsible investments. He pledged the support of the BOI in getting local manufacturers to develop in areas such as effluent treatment, etc. The past chairman of the association, Mr. Mahesh Amalean, in his address reviewed the progress made by the association towards its vision of becoming the best apparel manufacturer in Asia. Addressing some of the issues that needed government support, he was happy to note that the association was successful in harnessing a three-year quota free status with the European Union (EU) and called upon the industry to make the best use of it. However, he observed that other issues such as creating a level playing field between BOI and non BOI companies, and redirecting the cess to a special fund towards developing the industry were still pending and that these problems need to be resolved soon. Mr. Amalean also observed that international trading blocks are posing a threat to the industry and called upon the government to ensure that no additional financial burden is placed on the industry to ensure its success in the post-quota era. Mr. Ranjan Casiehetty was elected as the new chairman of the association. Poor nations face health inequalitiesWashington-People are healthier on average than they were 20 years ago but economic liberalisation has resulted in declining health for poor people, say researchers. "A wave of health-care reform based on increased privatisation and reduced spending on public health will push new life-saving technologies even further out of reach of the poor," they warn in a wide-ranging assessment of performance and prospects in 13 affluent and underprivileged countries. Health planners should devote much more attention to ensuring that their policies redress rather than aggravate health gaps, particularly in developing countries, they say in a report, 'Challenging inequities in health: From ethics to action'. The document, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, argues that "a nation's health inequities may be seen as a barometer of its citizens' experiences of social justice and human rights." Life expectancy in Japan in 1996, for example, was twice that of Sierra Leone, one of the world's poorest countries, while the infant mortality rate in Guinea was almost 300 times that of Norway. The report stresses, however, that the health gap within countries, especially poor ones and those undergoing market-oriented economic transitions, is not getting enough attention. "In China, Chile and Russia, gaps in life expectancy are actually widening over time with disturbing evidence of net deterioration in health among certain groups, it notes. Indeed, "inequities in health may be accentuated in the setting of rapid economic growth as marginalised groups not only fail to share in the benefits but in too many cases become net losers." The report, which includes case studies from Bangladesh, Chile, China, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Britain and Vietnam, as well as the United States, stresses that health inequities are affected by economic, cultural, and social factors, including access to education, gender roles, job training, and macro-economic policy. Poverty and margina-lisation emerge as the most fundamental causes of health inequities, and the combination of the two, as manifested, for example, by former apartheid South Africa, is particularly devastating. In 1993, infant mortality among blacks in South Africa was more than five times that of whites, the report says. A somewhat similar problem applies to the United States, where poor men and women have significantly lower life expectancy than their wealthier counterparts. In addition, poor African Americans have lower life expectancy and higher disability rates than their white counterparts. In Mexico, one recent study found enormous differences in health status between wealthy urban countries and mountainous rural counties where indigenous people predominated. The latter, whose inhabitants faced discrimination in access to schools and jobs and often lacked basic services such as running water, had higher death rates at every stage of life and were expected to live 13 fewer years than people in wealthier counties. The report expresses particular concern about the impact of economic liberation on the health of poorer, less educated and more marginalised sectors. In Russia, male death rates have soared during the country's abrupt transition to capitalism, particularly among men with little education. Russian women now outlive men by an average of 13 years, a gender gap that is twice as wide as in other industrial countries. And despite dramatic economic growth rates and sharp reductions in poverty rates achieved by China's 20-year transition to a more liberal economy, major gaps have opened up, especially between wealthy urban areas along the coast and rural regions in the country's interior. Life expectancy in the former is ten years greater than in the latter, while maternal mortality rates in rural Qinghai province were ten times those in Zhejiang in 1994. Infant mortality rates in China's poorest countries have actually increased by some 25 percent since the 1980s, according to the report. Moreover, infant mortality and disability among Chinese girls has been creeping up steadily since 1982, despite declining rates for boys in both areas. Vietnam was held up as a healthcare model but has also seen widening gaps as it shifts to a more market-oriented economy. One factor: the imposition of user fees for hospital patients. In Latin America, economic policies have in some cases reduced the numbers of people living in absolute poverty but, as in China, the health status of those left behind appears to have worsened in recent years, according to the report. In Africa, structural adjustment programmes, which resulted initially in cuts to social spending, including the health sector, have also contributed to rising health inequalities. In Tanzania, the report says, "an alarming number of adolescents" cannot afford newly introduced school fees and, as a result, are forced to work in dangerous jobs in mining and agriculture with increased risk of injury and exposure to HIV/AIDS. The report stresses that education, as well as income, is a major determinant of health inequities. Chile, which began liberalising its economy in the mid-1970s, has seen a substantial increase in income inequality. At the same time, however, the country has increased its investment in education. Life expectancy among most of the population has increased steadily, although it has increased at a somewhat faster rate among those with more years of schooling. Life expectancy of men with little or no schooling, however, actually declined between 1985 and 1996, according to the report. (IPS) Go to the edge with MobitelAfter the successful introduction of the 3 plus package, Mobitel has introduced its newest package – Edge which it says, is popular in view of several facilities being offered free. "This is an ideal package for the business community including senior executives and field executives," says Brian Speldewinde, Product Manager. The facilities are offered at nominal rates and the client also enjoys good customer care." The Edge package is the second package that was introduced by Mobitel within the last two months. The 3 plus package that was introduced recently offered its customers free outgoing calls within the package. The package is available at the Big M branches at Ramanayake Mawatha and the new branch at Queen's Road. It is also available at the outstation branches in Kandy, Ratnapura, Kurunegala and Matara and all authorised dealers of Mobitel. New product from AnchorNew Zealand Milk Lanka recently lau-nched Anchor 1+ with Nutri Care, which it says is for children between one to four years. "Nutri Care in Anchor 1+ is specially formulated with a nutrient complex of vitamins A, C, E and zinc which plays a crucial role in strengthening the child's immune system thereby protecting the growth and development of children by increasing the body's resistance," a company statement said. It said that "recent research" indicates that a relationship exists between vitamins A, C, E and trace elements such as zinc and a healthy immune system, enabling it to protect a healthy body. "Having a strong immune system depends on being well nourished. In a child, a properly functioning immune system is one way to control and stop bacteria and viruses from affecting the growth of body cells," New Zealand Milk Lanka said. The source of the research and the price of the product were not given in the company statement. Emirates medical training sets high standardsThe medical training that Emirates provides for its cabin crew and ground staff has been awarded full accreditation by the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Emirates is the first and only airline in the world to receive such an accreditation. Emirates' Corporate Occupational Health Training Unit (COHTU), provides medical training to the whole Emirates Group, including ground staff and cabin crew. For passengers, the accreditation means the assurance that they are in the care of staff who have been recognised by one of the oldest medical centres of excellence in the world as being able to train and maintain first aid proficiency to an extremely high standard. Shipping institute looks at e-commerceThe Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) Sri Lanka branch recently held a seminar on e-shipping. Papers presented at the conference revealed that approximately Rs. 30 billion could be saved if paper is replaced by information technology. Chairman ICS, Maxwell de Silva, emphasised the need for radical change in thinking, to beat regional competition. Sri Lanka Ports Authority's IT Manager, Mr. S. Lokuge, expressed his confidence in the implementation of IT strategies for a paperless port, which he hoped would be achieved in less than an year. The outdated Customs Ordinance has to be replaced to meet the needs of an IT-led society in addition to the modernisation of laws governing banking and commerce in order to make Sri Lanka a hub, the press release stated. Although initiatives to introduce Electronic Data Interchange were introduced a few years ago, they have not been implemented and government attention should be directed speedily to this. People's Bank branches are now profit centresBy Chanakya DissanayakeThe People's Bank, Sri Lanka's second largest state bank is performing a gradual turnaround to return to profitability at the end of 2001. After being written off as a dying dinosaur, propped up by government guarantees by international analysts a few years ago, it is transforming itself into a viable commercial operation. Its management, which now includes some of the best talent from the private sector, plans to concentrate on its core business, retail banking, and vows to bring the bank to a competitive position in a few year's time. The Sunday Times Business spoke to Mano Tittawela, Chairman, People's Bank on the new drive by the bank. Excerpts from the interview: Q: What are your plans for the subsidiaries that are not making adequate returns, will you divest them? A: We will be continuing with People's Merchant, People's Leasing and People's Travels. People's Merchant has "written down" its portfolio's and it is not incurring any losses. It is probably the only merchant bank in Sri Lanka that is not incurring any losses. We also value the relationship with our joint venture partner - DFCC. People's Leasing, which is a fully owned subsidiary, is very profitable. It makes Rs. 80-90 million in profit and we will continue with it. Peoples' Travels is also viable and we will continue our investment. The rest of the subsidiaries are very small and we plan to close them. We are planning to liquidate Smart-cash, in which we have a 30 percent stake. We have fully provided for the resulting loss in our accounts. The People's Property Ltd project where we planned a 40-storey office complex opposite the Hilton Hotel in Colombo will not continue. But, since we have invested almost Rs. 200 million, we are not planning to liquidate it. Instead we are looking for an investor to take over our stake and develop it. However, it is likely to get delayed because of the country situation. We have fully provided for all our dead investments. Q: What about your exposure in Vanik? A: Our exposure is fully covered by Treasury Bills, except for about Rs. 10 million. There is a misconception in the market that People's Bank has a large unsecured exposure in Vanik, which is not true. The consortium of banks could not arrive at a consensus about the future of Vanik, but the banks are continuing their negotiations on an individual basis. Q: The Peoples' Bank's branch network is still not linked. How soon do you plan to link the branch network and what is your IT investment plan? A: We have embarked on a branch re-engineering program. We are investing Rs. 2-3 million in each branch and we have already covered 100 branches. Another 100 branches will be covered soon. This programme will create greater customer orientation through the open office concept. We have many home grown IT systems in place. Our short-term strategy is to fine tune these systems and achieve a certain degree of automation. About 150 branches will be semi-linked through this programme. We are also developing our long term IT strategy to fully integrate the branch network. We plan to spend about Rs. 1 billion over the next five years. The bulk of this investment will go to the software systems. Q: Any plans to rationalise the branch network? A: There is no need to do so. In 2001 there will be no non-performing branches. In fact the only non-performing branch is the head office! The bad loan problem and the over-staffing problem are all here, not at the branches. Our 500-plus branch network is our main competitive advantage. It gives us an edge in deposit mobilisation. The branches are now run as profit centres. We have made the branches autonomous to a greater extent. All branch managers are given profit targets, deposit targets and overhead targets. Their promotions and increments will depend upon achieving these targets. Q: Finally, what do you think about divesting a minority stake of the Peoples' Bank to the private sector? A: Why divest? There will be no benefit from divesting. We already have top private sector managers in our board and the management has been strengthened with the best available talent. The government has also said very explicitly that the state banks will not be privatised. What we need to do now is separate the state ownership from the management. We are viewing the Singapore government's top institutes as models. This can be implemented not only in the banks but also in the airport and the port to ensure profitability. Suntel chooses ISP billing softwareSuntel, the leading wireless local loop supplier in Sri Lanka, is diversifying its contribution to the Sri Lankan telecommunication market. In a step towards providing total telecommunication services to its customers, Suntel has introduced "wow.lk", its Internet service. Suntel has chosen Informatics (Pvt.) Ltd as the customer care and billing software system supplier to support this service. With the signing of the contract with Informatics, Suntel will be using the newest release of AvaBill, a total telecom solutions package developed and supported by Informatics in collaboration with TietoEnator of Finland. According to Informatics, the ISP module is only one part of the AvaBill System, which contains many more modules for mobile, Internet and fixed line telecom operators. Some of the other noteworthy modules are, point of sales, hot billing, cashiering, SIM card management, roaming, inter-operator settlements, equipment maintenance and help desk. Many leading telecommunications service providers in Sri Lanka and the region currently use Avabill. The high price of smokingA World Bank report titled, 'Curbing the epidemic,'' said that the only two causes of death that are huge and growing worldwide are AIDS and tobacco-related illnesses, according to the New York Times. The report is a counter to the recent Philip Morris report delivered to the Czech government suggesting that the early death of smokers can benefit a nation's economy. The NY Times said that according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, tobacco is expected to become the biggest killer in most developing countries within the next 20 years, causing more deaths than AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, automobile crashes, homicides and suicides combined. If current patterns hold, a half-billion people who are alive today will eventually be killed by tobacco. More than half of those are now children and teenagers. By the year 2030, tobacco is projected to be the single biggest cause of death worldwide, accounting for about 10 million deaths per year, the paper said. According to the World Bank study (which was done before the recent study commissioned by Philip Morris), it appears that smokers' lifetime health care costs in affluent countries are ''somewhat higher'' than non-smokers', despite their shorter lives. It is not at all clear what the situation is in less affluent countries with less extensive health care networks. But that, of course, should not be the issue, says the NT Times. "The first issue to be addressed is the non-economic value - one would hope it would be a high value that we ascribe to human beings based solely on the fact that they exist," it said. Eagle Insurance improves on-line access for clientsLife insurance clients of Eagle Insurance can now check the premium positions of their insurance plans on-line from anywhere in the world through the new version of the Eagle website www.eagle.com.lk. An Eagle statement said that to receive this free service, clients have to provide a personal password of his or her choice through the website. Once registered the client will have access to his policy information on-line. A client must have access to Internet to benefit from this service. Frequent requests made to Eagle to ascertain the premium position prompted the company to provide this service through the Internet. The statement said the service would be useful as the number of Internet users in the country is increasing and also for the many Sri Lankans going abroad for employment. "There are a large number of clients who obtain a life insurance plan from Eagle before they leave for overseas employment. For them it is a means of compulsory saving. For such clients the ability to know the position of their life insurance plan through the Internet is important," said a company spokesperson. HNB at BoralesgamuwaHatton National Bank, the largest private commercial bank in Sri Lanka opened its 108th branch on 25th July 2001 at Boralesgamuwa. The new branch situated at 24, Maharagama Road, Boralesgamuwa was declared opened by Mr Rienzie T Wijetilleke, Managing Director of HNB. A large gathering was present on this occasion including Mr Samson Silva - Member of Parliament, Mr Mihindu Kulasooriya, Divisional Secretary, Kesbewa. The Chief Guest Mr Wijetilleke addressing the gathering stated that HNB is very proud to open its 108th branch in a developing city like Boralesgamuwa and will help businessmen and the people of the area with their financial needs. Mr Wijetilleke also expressed that the Manager and the staff of the Boralesgamuwa Branch were fully conscious and aware of responsibility towards the country and that a range of products and services have been created and launched to serve the needs of the different segments of society. Mr Samson Silva addressing the gathering as a senior citizen, in the area said that he has built up a relationship with HNB over the past 28 years. He had started his business with the assistance of the bank and attributes his success to the Hatton National Bank. A large number of distinguished invitees and customers were present at this ceremony. 'Go Bananas' a major success"Going Bananas at Keells Super has proved to be a major success for the Keells supermarket chain" said General Manager Jaykay Marketing Mr. Rajeev Dharmendra, who went on to say they had received an overwhelming response from their customers. The Go Bananas promotion which commenced on June 1st with a gaily decorated float carrying the Volkswagon Beetle car which is the first prize on the Grand Draw visiting at Keells Super outlets and the surrounding areas, attracted enormous crowds, and infact all Managers confirmed an increase in sales since the commencement of the promotion. Dharmendra confirmed the fact that this was the biggest promotion ever to be launched by a supermarket chain in Sri Lanka and said that their sole objective in embarking on such an activity was to reward their loyal customers. While the Grand Draw for which the main prize is the Volkswagon Beetle car will be held at the end of the year, the monthly draws have already got under way with the first monthly draw being held on July 12th at Keells Super Liberty Plaza. JKH Director Sumithra Gunesekara drew the names of the 13 lucky winners of the first month's draw who won Moulinex food processors, earrings from Abdeen Jewellers, weekend vouchers from Keells Hotels and dinner vouchers from Pizza Hut and the Hilton Hotel. McDonald's receives award for excellenceMcDonald's Restrurants in Sri Lanka, a part of Abans Restaurant Systems (Pvt) Ltd., has been awarded a Certificate of Commendation for the year 2001 in recognition of excellence in cleanliness and food hygiene by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Municipal Council of Colombo. McDonald's caters to a large cross section of Colombo's population which include children of all ages, adults and tourists and maintains the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness as stipulated in their international franchise agreement. McDonald's is famous worldwide for its QSC policy which signifies Quality, Service and Cleanliness, the three areas to which the highest priority is focused. McDonald's in Sri Lanka have gained an edge over other fast food outlets in Colombo by providing a clean, friendly and warm atmosphere in their restaurants and giving their customers real value and satisfaction. For discerning Sri Lankan palates, McDonald's are introducing the Spicy McChicken which is a hot and spicy chicken burger formulated in Sri Lanka specially for Sri Lankans. Abans provides nothing but the bestAbans have stepped up their campaign to support the Government in its efforts to prevent Sri Lanka from becoming a dumping ground for cheap, low quality household and electronic appliances. The random imports of such appliances by unscrupulous traders is flooding the market and innocent consumers are being duped into purchasing cheap appliances, without a guarantee or after sales service. Abans import only the best international brands of home appliances, complying to the highest international quality standards which are again individually quality tested and checked before it is offered for sale. At Abans you will find only genuine, globally acknowledged, quality brands such as LG, Mitsubishi, Electrolux, Hoover, JVC, Haier, Frigidaire, Japan, Premier, Elba, Toyostar, Pyrex, Corning, Visions, Corelle, Carmen, Morphy Richards, Pifco, Russell Hobbs and much more. Another first from SingerYet again, taking a pioneering position, Singer Sri Lanka became the first ever merchants to partner with Sampath Bank as it launches Sri Lanka's first Internet gateway. "Many people in the western world shop online with their credit cards," says a Singer spokesperson. "Credit cards are becoming a standard even in Sri Lanka and this move by Sampath Bank will help both Singer and the Bank to keep up with the current trends." www.singersl.com is one of the most comprehensive Sri Lankan websites, which is one of the main reasons that Sampath Bank signed up Singer as the first retailer. At present the online site of www.singersl.com is equipped for money transactions for customers with Sampath Bank credit card facilities although the company is confident that the ability to accept other credit cards will be secured in the near future. "Singer is making headway in the field of e-commerce," says a company spokesperson. "We are also in the process of networking the company's many branches so transactions can be made online. We intend to conduct many online promotions. The online buying ability on the website is definitely a boon to Sri Lankan expatriates who can pay through their credit cards to have a household durable or even a bicycle delivered to a family member as a gift."Established in 1851 Singer Sri Lanka Ltd., is celebrating its150th anniversary this year. New IT system for SLPABy Gunapala RanasingheThe present system/process of paper reporting done at the Port of Colombo in the Customs and SLPA is to be replaced by the IT led initiative of Paperless Port if we are to be ahead of the competition in the region said Mr. Maxwell de Silva, Chairman, ICS at the Press Conference held at Trans Asia after launching the ICS Seminar. Addressing the gathering Mr. Maxwell de Silva, Chairman ICS SL Branch further said that H.E Mr.Jon Westborg, the Norwegian Ambassador opened the Seminar on July 16, at and it was very encouraging to note the challenge posed by him to come out with a Policy paper for Implementation as his Govt through NORAD had asked to explore possibilities of assisting Sri Lanka in their endeavours to uplift IT Capabilities and also to be a leader in this part of the world. Mr.Alastair Harris, CEO of Belero Intl speaking at the conference said that he is very happy to be here and the level of enthusiasm created by the seminar is so great and he is positive that Sri Lanka could benefit by the technology if it is implemented by the Government. Sri Lanka Ports Authority IT Manager Mr.Lokuge who presented a paper at the Seminar was very optimistic about the implementation of a IT Strategy for a Paperless Port which he hoped to achieve in less than a year. The ICS sources indicated that the constraints faced by the Industry is that the outdated Customs Ordinance which has to be replaced to meet the needs of the IT led society and the laws governing the Banking and Commerce has to be modernized at much faster pace to make Sri Lanka once again a hub in this part of the world. Organizers are of the view that EDI initiatives and simplification of doucmantation in the port/Customs were done a few years ago has not been implemented which needs quick attention of the Government and an action team is needed to deliver the results. The papers presented in the conference highlighted that app.Rs.30 Billion could be saved if paper is replaced by IT led environment which will be faster and no longer Shippers/Importers needed to move from place to another carrying documents which is a national waste. It is time we look at the savings that could be derived if the country is to be progressed forward. Mr.De Silva concluded by saying that we have talked enough in the Past and Now it is time For Action "DOING". Press conference was attended by Mr.Maxwell de Silva (Chairman ICS), Mr.M. M. Ilmi, Mr. Bandula Dissanayake, Mr.Alastar Harris (CEO Bolero), Mr.Dhruv Baral Software Specialist, Capt. Suresh Amirapu ICS Chairman, Mr.S. Mohajir (ICS Pakistan) Ceylinco Travels now in the heart of ColomboIATA agent Ceylinco Travels & Tours Ltd., are now located in the heart of the city of Colombo in a very plush brand new office premises at the new Ceylinco House. The "ONE STOP TRAVEL SHOP" concept is being intensively pursued by the management of Ceylinco Travels & Tours in their new environment. This basically means that one could buy his or her air tickets, obtain Travellers' Cheque, Insurance policies, arrange transportation to and from the airport and request for any immigration/visa assistance for bona fide travellers or any aviation based service under one roof. The strength of Ceylinco Travels & Tours is that it has been in existence over a period of two decades, and now with the exclusive tag of being an IATA agent, the demand for their services has increased, and obviously productivity and turnover has, in turn, increased at a reasonably controlled pace. In addition to their services, CEYLINCO HOLIDAYS have launched a brand new product range of tour packages from the fascinating destinations of India to the mysterious deserts in the Middle East, exotic Asia and even destinations of religious value such as Dambadiva, Lumbini, Vellankani, Lourdes, the Holy Land, and of course, the "Land of plenty", Australia, together with New Zealand. Quite adjacent to its head office in Colombo Fort, they now have three more offices located in Kollupitiya, Bambalapitiya and at the prestigious Seylan Towers. The demand for travel related facilities in these areas has exceeded Ceylinco Travels & Tours' expectations, and it has been felt that easy access to these offices has been the main reason for this success story. Another unique product lunched at the head office is at the MEET AND ASSIST SERVICE which has been specially designed for premium class passengers, where staff of Ceylinco Travels & Tours personally escort its clients to the airport from their residences and also meet them on their return and transfer them back home. The financial sector strength of the Ceylinco Group of Companies has been used for unique programmes marketed by the Tours Division of Ceylinco Travels. The "Fly NOW PAY LATER" scheme which was created by Ceylinco Travels & Tours was a "first" in this country. Now, together with the newly opened Ceylinco Savings Bank and the Finance Company Ltd., they currently market the "SAVE NOW FLY LATER" programme which is fast becoming popular with the lower middle class and the middle class travel segments of Sri Lanka. The MALDIVES and MALAYSIA are two of the markets which Ceylinco Travels & Tours specialise in, with their attractive packages and absolutely marvelous travel facilities provide to these two destinations. Their recent Alliance Agreement with Islanders, Maldives Ltd., and World Express Travel, Malaysia has facilitated this specialty. India and Australasia have been targeted and the passengers who intend travelling to India and Australasia could expect many new and diverse programmes from Ceylinco Travels & Tours in the very near future. CEYLINCO TRAVELS & TOURS SUPER 10 theme, in keeping with their intention of taking the travel industry to the interiors of Sri Lanka currently have branch offices in Kandy, Galle, Kurunegala, Gampaha, Vavuniya and Negombo, apart from their four offices in the city of Colombo. Plans are also afoot of open two more branches at an undisclosed location. These branches enable those in the outstations to attend to their travel requirements without leaving their respective home towns. Referring to the volatile competition which takes place in the travel industry at intervals, with no tangible results derived to either the ultimate customer or travel agent, Mr. Roshan Gurusinghe, its Deputy Chairman stated, "We are the only travel company in Sri Lanka with such a diverse network, and as such, this has afforded us the opportunity to offer our products and services to the entirety of Sri Lanka at prices stipulated by the Civil Aviation authority. He reiterated on the "CEYLINCO TRAVELS & TOURS SUPER TEN" concept which is the ideal solution for the Sri Lankan public and more importantly to the travel and tourism industry. Further commending on the achievements of Ceylinco Travels & Tours, Mr. Gurusinghe proudly announced that they are currently a very much "on line"/IT based travel company with tremendous support and encouragement from two of the world's greatest GDS companies, Abacus and Galelio. "We make travel related reservations any time, anywhere, and now all over Sri Lanka", he said. He also stated that the strength of the Ceylinco group of companies ably led by Deshamanya Lalith Kotelawala who initiated the original idea of networking Ceylinco Travels & Tours in Sri Lanka as well as the SAARC region, together with the Sri Lankan Airlines and other airlines, not forgetting our friendly competitors have helped us to subtly enhance our brand name and the products and services we market currently, and will continue to market in the future. Asiana Airlines the Jewel of AsiaOnly the best airline among the best receives an ATW award. For the first time in Korean Airline history, Asiana Airlines is the winner in the passenger service category. At Asiana Airlines, they have been trying to be the best in the world. Now, with worldwide recognition in service, they promise to serve you even better. Asiana, which has one of the youngest fleets in the world, keeps updating its fleets' technology and services to stay ahead in the industry and ensure highest safety standards. Asiana has extensive services via Seoul to Japan, China and the US. Asiana Airlines is represented in Sri Lanka by Walkers Tours Ltd a subsidiary of John Keells Holdings. |
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