![]() 26th August 2001 |
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100 WordsBreakingBreakingI saw him.He broke into two Inside - When his beloved died. Unspoken, unsung sorrows, Etched as deep furrows - Within his soul. Long weary years, Crawling - Without life's lost diamond. He - a broken tree For long years. But then - Roots of the Eternal Force From deep within Recuperating - Rejuvenating - And - Oh, at last - The tender leaves At the broken crown Of the broken tree! Priscilla Pereira
Breaking AwayOnce mighty green leaves,Now swaying here and there They are changing colours From green- -to red to indigo, and then to yellow, finally. Ready to fall down, To float away freely, Over the blue sky -far away From the tree... I used to be
Lawanya Wijesekara
Breaking the PotDon't cryBecause you broke the pot: It had long been cracked. But gather the shards Dig a deep hole And bury them. And the rain will smoothen
Anne Ranasinghe
MisdiagnosisShe was about eighteen and her folder was marked "Terrorism inclination +++". I was supposed to squeeze important information from her. I am the most successful 'breaking officer' here."What did you say to him?" I asked her picturing the previous officer interrogating her. "He asked me if I was stopped on the road and questioned by Army personnel, what I would do?" Being Tamil and living in Vavuniya, this must be a common experience. "And you said..." "I would want to shoot them". I scratched the previous remark and wrote: Extremely strong character. Recommend release after initial investigations. Mahesh Rajasuriya
Breaking ThroughIt is nightTheir heads droop Faces downcast, Dismal, hopeless. The wait seems long but unfailingly, as dawn breaks, They look at heaven Faces glowing, In adoration. Swaying in the gentle breeze In a dance of worship. As new life surges. These glorious sunflowers,
Priyeni McLeod
BreakingFlood watersBreaking their boundaries; Fire Breaking out in a conflagration; The common multitude of small folk Suppressed for long Breaking out of the limits of their class; They are all merciless - Gathering momentum in their course, Leaving destruction in their wake; Complete and irrevocable. Mrs. Thilaha Yoganathan
BreakingAt the breaking of dawnShe tiptoes into the kitchen Knocks against a table - Crash! Breaking the silence with the Breaking of China. An irate husband, yells Breaking her heart again Breaking a coconut She cooks a meal She wakes the children Breaking their sleep. At the school a parent is
But there is hope
Olga Perera
FragileOne Year - Three hundred and sixty five daysOne day - twenty four hours One hour- sixty minutes And so we break it up. My Geography book says classifications make things easier to comprehend. So I try to break it up and analyse it (like Grigg's Farming Types) to comprehend. You are a part of this country and I am a part of this country. Does that mean we need to own separate pieces of it? The engineers will fix the planes but who is going to fix our minds? Sandamali P. Wijeratne
Pajama GameMen and women play nocturnal games.These activities take many forms - some are for recreation, some for procreation. I too play a night-game - in my pajamas - The "BREAKING NEWS" game. Being a night-bird, my clock works at a tangent with the insane world. I start my day at night, watching TV from midnight till dawn. There's plenty keeping me a absorbed - C.N.N., Sky News or B.B.C. I pine for the breaking of global news with instant reports (sometimes accompanied with live pictures) from all corners of the globe. Come join me, I drink coffee. Christy G. Wijeratne
Threads of LifeThe ventilator sighed.The teddy bear atop the monitor looked on sadly at the tiny finger nails once pink, now turned blue. I knew he was slowly
The nurses cried.
Attachment brings pain,
Deepani Munidasa
Oh, my beautiful bonesBy Norm(an) De PlumeTake an artist from the Renaissance period, anyone. Shall we say Rembrandt for example? Try to recall the women that they painted - curvaceously generous hips, a few love-handles here and there...you get the picture. Now think of those masterpieces with modern-day beauties. Straight hair, a few ribs replacing the love handles, the hipbone jutting out...not quite the same masterpiece is it?To say that it would most likely resemble an x-ray version of the original paintings might not be too much of an exaggeration. "It doesn't matter if you're black or white" screams - sings Mr. Jackson. And in a perfect world, weight-scale readings and height wouldn't matter either. So if you're suffering from the delusion that it IS a perfect world out there, may I suggest reading the Clothesline now and then - the way you look obviously does matter. What is the definition of beauty anyway? My friend, who reads the marriage proposals column as a source of humour, tells me that the most common word found in it is 'roomath'. Admittedly, this kind of 'advertisement' usually has an extra dose of optimism. Leaving that aside, it still remains that there are people who think that they are good-looking but that does not mean that there are Catherine Zeta-Jones and Keanu Reeves look-alikes walking all over the place. The hackneyed 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' does have more than a grain of truth. Come on, we had no less than 'Tom Cruise' himself writing into the Clothesline and declaring his affinity for chubby women. He appears to be an exception. The point that I'm trying to make is not only that what we think of as pretty is also standardized by society itself. For instance nowadays the epitome of beauty (for girls) is fair, slim and straight hair. For us guys the 'look' has moved from the buffed Arnold I-can't-spell-his-last-name and Sly Stallone look some years ago to the wimpier Keanu Reeves (with apologies to his ardent fans) look. It's rather ironic that even though a person's features aren't that great, a person fitting the above description would still be considered pretty/handsome, so mired are we in standards. Look at TV commercials and the 'alien invasion' of Indian models for example. The advertisement itself may be prone to insult the viewer, but the models ARE tall, slim, fair etc. which seems to be the prime concern for some. Plus they also appear in ads that tell us how a girl will be immediately swept off her feet by her suitor because she uses a certain fairness cream, or how she can have her pick of doctor, engineer etc. The legend, or should I say, the myth, continues. But as the guys' situation tells us that this standard will change from time to time. Plus, it also varies with cultures. Look at an old Tamil movie (switch on the TV during the day and chances are that one of them will be on) and the hero is always a rather plump guy with a moustache. Who knows? It might just catch on here as well. But that might be a bit too much to hope for... |
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