Jungle Telegraph

7th October 2001
By Alia
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Survey of Colombo port

The United States Navy has completed a three-day survey of the Colombo port for use by the Seventh Fleet when required. 

The team led by Commander Tito P. Dua examined ship chandling, bunkering and working of mail facilities to crew during a visit to the port. 

The team also met Police and intelligence officials. It also examined security arrangements in the port.

Government sources said the visit of the Navy team was in no way connected with the US government efforts to put together a global coalition to crack down on terrorism.


Despite being promoted to the highest rank he could reach, the man who loves battle gear is still angry.

His grouse ? Well, he is not lucky enough to have the luxury of a Peugeot car to travel in comfort. 

The fact that some of his senior colleagues too did not have this vehicle did not bother him.

So much so, he has turned to a private sector rent-a-car service to hire a Peugeot.

The organisation now has to cough out Rs 47,000 a month. 

No wonder the seniors are furious. 

They are saddled with their Double Cabs.

False alarm

A Police warning early this week spoke of six Tiger guerrilla suicide cadres infiltrating the City.

Their aim ? To attack the Colombo Port.

Navy and Police personnel conducted midnight searches on households around the port area but found no guerrilla presence.

North FM

The top boss angered by the psy ops campaign against him, had to divert attention from the real enemy to find the one within.

He has now caught red handed the man sending signals about his stealing apples and having a yearning for good things in life. 

The man, known for breaking promises, has been warned.

Boss's confidantes have named the man North FM – not because such broadcasts are existent in the battle areas. 

It is because his psy ops campaign against the boss has been as effective as a radio broadcast.

Not so disabled!

Four hard core Tiger guerrilla suspects escaped from the Jaffna prison recently.

Now comes the news that one of them, suspected to be the leader, used crutches whilst in detention pretending to suffer from a leg ailment. When it came to escape time, he threw the crutches and ran away.

The hunt is still on for them.

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