A confused Chandadaayakaya and conspiracies
My Dear Chandadaayaka,
I thought of writing to you because you will be called upon to make
a significant decision in three days _ a decision which you will be making
for the third time within three years.
Chandadaayaka, I won't be surprised if you are more than a little confused
about what has been going on over the last few weeks. After all, every
party is pledging itself to the principle of non-violence and a free and
fair election but over one thousand and five hundred incidents have been
reported including a dozen deaths and you must be wondering whether all
those avanka, pirisindu, edithara candidates smiling at us from posters
on the walls are responsible for all this.
Chandadaayaka, you must have now realized that it is your duty to try
and remember who is on which side. Everyone who is anyone seems to have
crossed over and just by listening to them it's difficult to say which
side they are on because all of them utter the same lies.
Then, Chandadaayaka, I won't blame you if you have now become sick of
conspiracy theories, the most famous of which is that the elephants have
struck a deal with the Tigers. These conspiracy theories get better by
the day because this week we heard Avamangala declaring that sending Gas
Labu to the blue camp seven years ago was a green conspiracy. Well, what
I am really suspicious is whether sending Mallo back to the blue camp was
a green conspiracy or not! And another 'conspiracy' that I have my doubts
is whether the greens sent back Somawansa to the red camp, just to put
off potential voters!
Chandadaayaka, I won't also blame you if you think that the Mahanayakes
in Kandy _ and not the Commissioner of Elections in Colombo _ is conducting
this poll. Why, everybody is running to the Mahanayakes these days, not
with atapirikara, but with cassettes and complaints of election violence
in Hambantota, you must be wondering whether the most reverend sirs have
formed a team of election monitors.
Of course, Chandadaayaka, by now you must also be sick of all those
advertisements and talk-shows on television, promising the sun and moon
and interrupting even the cricket matches. Whoever wins the polls, one
good thing that will come about is that these talk-shows and advertisements
will have to come to an end!
Anyway Chandadaayaka, I hope all this will not deter you from performing
your duty on Wednesday. Despite all the dooshanaya and beeshanaya that
is going on, our politicians are still afraid of you and your little cross.
So, do your duty and do it early without allowing someone else to do it
for you. That is the only weapon we chandadaayakayas have and it is up
to us to use it wisely. All I can ask you is to do it in such a manner
that you will not have to do it again next year!
Yours truly,
Punchi Putha.
PS: If you are thinking of marking the manaape, just check to make sure
that your candidate has not decamped to the other side. At the rate these
things happen, I won't be surprised to see Satellite in a green saree on
Thursday! |