Happy Returns in your new alliance
My Dear Crown Prince,
I thought of writing to you when I heard that you were in the forefront
of agitating against the peace talks and attending a meeting organised
by Vimal sahodaraya and his red brigade.
Of course it
was not long ago that you were with the greens and giving them a
piece of your mind and calling them murderers. You may have even
forgotten about that now but we haven't, Crown Prince.
It is also a
popular saying that in politics you have no permanent friends or
enemies, only permanent interests and we are certain that you more
than anyone else must be knowing the virtues of this. After all,
the Southerner was your good friend when you were battling Akka
but now that you and akka have got together, he seems to be the
odd one out!
But then, that
is hardly surprising for you when you at one time got together with
Maithree and fought the Queen Bee and it all ended up in courts,
where there was a big battle for the Darley Road headquarters of
the blues. We can remember when you were first appointed as the
Leader of the Opposition, Junius wished you "Many Happy Returns"
in your new job. Well, Junius was seldom wrong and you have been
languishing in the losing team ever since, except for a few months
with Dearly Beloved. But what is so sad about you now is that you
have been unable to hold on to even that job with the Southerner
taking over the reins and looking like he would make a worthwhile
attempt of it.
Everyone knows
that Akka is trying to help you out by planning to get rid of the
Southerner and paving the way for you if and when she retires, but
if that is the game plan I think it is a bad strategy not only for
the Blues but for the country as a whole.
But your anxiety really begins to show, Crown Prince, when you start
appearing on the same stage with the Reds. Of course, you may say
that the chaps have now reformed and worth a try but then, we could
say the same about the Tigers, can't we? And, the Reds in their
heyday crippled the country much more than the Tigers ever did and
anyway, Wimal is yet to shave off his beard and appear in a safari
suit for a press briefing!
So, Crown Prince,
you must be able to bear with us when you remain a bit cynical about
your political antics. I'm sure the greens must be delighted with
your latest political alliance. That remains to be the only sign
that the reds are also doomed in the near future-unless they get
rid of you fast!
Yours truly,
Punchi Putha.
PS- There is
a general tendency for reds and blues to get marooned when they
get together, but that wouldn't matter to you, would it, because
from where you are now, it can only get better, right?