


Upali Sahabandu
STF elite force bears his stamp

The passing-out-parade of the 45th batch of the Special Task Force (STF) worked with absolute precision recently as it has since 1983.

There are a few, some living and some dead, who were responsible for the creation and development of this elite police paramilitary unit. They provided direction, guidance and leadership, but one name in particular that can never be forgotten is that of Upali Sahabandu, Director of Training of the STF from 1983 till his untimely and tragic death in 1996. Most, if not all, of the ceremonies and protocol associated with the STF which had been introduced during his time as Director are still preserved.
From a teachers' training school in Katukurunda, I witnessed it being transformed into one of the finest training institutions in the world. I have seen similar institutions in Israel, Britain and South Africa, and it is no idle boast that the STF training wing easily ranks alongside them.

The man responsible for this achievement was Upali. Those who knew him intimately cannot fail but see his golden touch in that training establishment - be it the beautiful landscaping, the many firing ranges or the abseiling tower, assault courses, gymnasium and other training facilities. They all stand out in mute testimony to his dedication and commitment.

It is not so much in these inanimate objects that we witness the hand of Upali but in the products that he churned out, batch after batch over the years. His concentration was mainly on the individual entrusted to him, to be transformed into a man fit to enter the ranks of the STF. He spared no pains and utilised all the resources at his disposal.

He did break, mould and make men out of virtual "green horns" as the expression goes. This was a challenge he revelled in.

A martial arts exponent, he led by example, and the trainees virtually idolized him. His enthusiasm and energy were infectious and he had no difficulty in motivating and inspiring his instructors and trainees.

He did not restrict himself only to the confines of the training establishment, but participated in exercises and active counter-terrorist operations.

It was during one of his visits to the operational areas that he fell victim to a terrorist landmine.

The STF as a paramilitary unit has done both the police and the country proud. It has excelled in sports particularly in marksmanship and martial arts, a fact acknowledged by Minister John Amaratunga who addressed the trainees at the last passing out parade.

No man who has been actively involved in the STF was unaware of the tremendous contribution of Upali towards the success of the STF. He was a man who has been held in high esteem, not only within the police but within the armed services.

In the years to come, it is possible as it often happens that he would be forgotten.

There are institutions named after individuals who had no involvement in them.

Here was a man who dedicated the better part of his life into the training of this elitist force. It would cost the police and the country nothing, if they were to name the STF training wing, the Sahabandu Special Forces Academy.

It would be a fitting tribute to a man of the calibre of Upali Sahabandu.
"He will not grow old as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary him, nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember him.
Zerney Wijesuriya
Retired Senior DIG

Beatrice Sahabandu Amerasekera
She touched the hearts of many

Softly and tenderly, Jesus called you darling mummy. You slowly slipped away on that morning even without waiting for nangi. The blow of parting was severe. The loneliness and emptiness will never fade away.

A grand and gracious lady, Beatrice Sahabandu Amarasekera - "mummy" to most of my friends - passed away on November 24, last year at the age of 87. It is difficult to imagine that the rest of my life will be spent without her and I will only have precious memories.

She was in poor health for four months and despite her suffering remained cheerful. My friends who visited her while I was at work were told that she would not live long.
She was gifted with extraordinary talents and qualities. Her abilities were many. She never disappointed anyone and did the work entrusted to her. She was calm and quiet, kind and intelligent. She touched the hearts of many.

She was a veritable human dynamo and gained the respect of all who came in contact with her vast knowledge, dedication to work and unassuming nature. Her belief was that one should sacrifice self interest for the good of the community.

A voracious reader, she won newspaper crossword puzzle prizes on many occasions. Even at her ripe age, she had about 10 students whom she taught English although it was not her vocation. My mind goes to this beautiful verse.

What a friend we have in mother
Who will all are secrets share
We should never keep things from her
Tell her all and she'll be there
Oh, what tender love she gives us
When in sorrow or despair
Tell her gently whisper softly
She will listen, she'll be there
Good night darling mummy till we meet on that beautiful shore.

Shehan Solomonsz
Bud that will adorn the Master's lapel
The gardener came around in the early hours,
Looking for a bud for the Master's lapel,
The gardener knew no ordinary bud would suffice,
For He is the Master of all masters!

Of the two buds on a lush green bush,
Carefully pruned and well nourished,
The gardener snipped the bud about to blossom,
Perfect! he sighed with great delight!

To blossom on the bush and wither away,
No! This bud so precious, there is no way,
It will adorn my Master's lapel,
Enveloping Him with a fresh mild scent!

The learned shine like stars!
The motto of his school so reminds-
A star so bright that adorned the horizon,
Has left the orbit to brighten after cluster!

The loss so awesome, the shock so immense,
Hearts are laden with grief intense,
Yet it was as easy as passing exams,
For Shehan to go through the Pearly Gates!
- Grieving fellow parents of St. Nicholas' International College

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