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Police guard for ex-IGP's grave
The Kanatte grave of the late police chief Lucky Kodituwakku was put under armed guard for three days to prevent the coffin being removed, police sources said.

A round-the-clock police guard was deployed at the cemetery on the instructions of a senior police officer and eventually withdrawn at the request of the family.

Police said they feared the coffin valued at more than Rs. 100,000 might be removed as there were previous cases of expensive coffins being robbed from the graves. Borella police yesterday inspected the graveyard following reports that the coffin was missing and confirmed that it was intact.

A family member told The Sunday Times the report about the coffin was not correct and that the guard was given as a mark of respect for the late police chief. Mr. Kodituwakku died on August 27 after a long battle with cancer and was buried two days later.

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