peace while playing cricket
My Dear Green Man,
I thought of writing to you now, on the eve of what must have
probably been the hardest decision of your political life-when you
prepare to risk it all by trying to talk to the Tigers.
Some people
will say this is nothing new; after all, your uncle tried it, then
his successor tried it and even Satellite tried it soon after she
came to power. Only Satellite lives to tell the tale and that too
only because the Town Hall bomb went a few centimetres this way
instead of that way!
as your critics would love to point out, this is just another performance
by the Tigers to please their international audience and buy time
while you prepare to "divide the country and hand it over to
the Tigers" -which is how they see it.
On the other
hand there is the Peace Brigade which argues that this time around
it is going to be different because of September eleventh and because
of Norway and the Americans getting involved.
Of course all
these make us wonder why the very people who organised a "thavalama"
to support peace talks when the blues were in power are now the
very people who now take to the streets against such talks. Now,
that doesn't mean all you greens are good boys either because when
Satellite brought her draft constitution to the House, you chaps
were also burning the constitution and creating a spectacle!
That should
remind us that at least the reds have been consistent, opposing
peace talks promoted by both the blues and the greens in the belief
that the Tigers can never be trusted. But then, the reds should
hardly be the ones to say that because the way they went about their
business in 1971 and 1989, how could anyone trust them?
Anyway, it
now appears that you have decided to go all the way-even if it means
putting your job at risk. We all know that it is a very bold decision
because if you fail there would be many people waiting to say "I
told you so".
But, if you
want to know what is really different this time, it is the support
you enjoy from the average citizen, be they blue, green or red.
But of course it is also important to realise that you cannot take
this support for granted because it will all finally depend on what
you would be ready to offer to the Tigers and if that is seen as
too much, then that support could fade away.
Now, there
are lots of people singing your praises these days but I must say
what has impressed me most is not what you have done to tame the
Tigers but what you are doing to cripple Satellite.
What your uncle
did to the Queen Bee, you seem to be slowly but surely doing to
Satellite-the only difference being that though Junius emerged as
a villain after doing what he did, you are being seen as a "gentleman"!
Ah, Junius would have been proud to see what his nephew is up to
these days!
Anyway, you
must be wished best of luck because when you are undertaking a task
as big as this everything needs to work properly-the tactics, the
telephones and even Bala's kidneys!
Yours truly,
Punchi Putha
PS- Is it co-incidence
or otherwise that this cricket tournament came to be held at the
same time? After all, you know our people forget everything when
a good cricket match is on. Now, you didn't get that dark horse
to fix that one, did you?