Mirror Magazine


100 Words on Spark
Thank you for all your contributions to the '100 Word' page on 'Spark'. The theme for February is "WEAVE". Please send in your contributions before January 18, to-
Madhubhashini Ratnayake,
C/o The Sunday Times,
8, Hunupitiya Cross Rd.,
Colombo 2

Love Spark
I watched her kneel
by his bedside,
placing a rusty flask
on the locker.

Her dishevelled grey hair
half revealed a faded pottu,
as she pressed her forehead
against his swollen feet
and held his icy fingers
tightly in her own.

'Are you cold appa?'
I heard her ask softly.
'We have no children
but we have each other...'

In that instance I saw
a spark of the immense love,
the compassion, glowing
in her heart;

A spark that dazzled my eyes,
for I had no strength
to tell her
that they had each other
no longer.
Deepani Munidasa

One day in the future
I think, if I grow very old,
And find life hard to bear,
I will not dwell on daily ills
Or be cast down by care.
Instead of age's grief and pain
I'll drain up youth's sweet sparks again.
Banu Thiyagarajah

Chance encounter
A spark of recognition,
exchanged between you and me,
unleashed a flood of awful memories.
Rotting fly-encrusted garbage,
empty beer cans, crushed,
ugly like metal monsters.
The repulsiveness of soggy cigarette butts,
compete cancerously with rancid smelling gutters.

Hate filled, horrendous days,
escaped though never forgotten.
Covered up with layers of civilized living,
green parks, hot baths, clean jokes.
And I, fearful that that spark,
would ignite an unholy fire,
hasten away, lest you should stop to talk,
swapping experiences with one other,
that had managed to get away.
Shivanthi Balasuriya

Blinded by a spark
The steel rod moved
As the electrict jet
sparked and welded.

Peter, just fifteen
was a hired boy
at the welder's shop
he steered the steel
eyes glued along the rod
as the sparks flew.

My little son watched
in fascination
those sparks flying out
like stars.

Aaah! his scream rang out.
A spark had pierced
the young boy's eye

Will he be blind Ma?
In one eye, dear,
Why did the spark fly?
In other lands, goggles screen the eyes
We are a poor country.
So Peter will lose his eye?

A spark of anger blazed
Searing my son's young heart.
Leila Ekanayake

I saw you breaking
Into smithereens.
I shuddered
And picked up the pieces.
There was one
Shiny, sparkling disc
Amidst the dark,
Monotonous pieces.
I gave it to you son,
And asked you
To believe in yourself.
After years
I see you son.
Shining, dazzling
Inside out.
What can't we do?
When we believe
You and I?
Priscilla Pereira

From beyond
The spark came from outer space
to light the lamp of my soul.
Now the lamp is aglow with light.
But where is the spark that lit it?
"You need not bother to know,
for you will not need me any more"
The spark replied
From I don't know where.
But I recognised the voice
The voice I once rejected.
Astonished I stuttered;
"But, but, how can I thank you?"
There was no reply.
Lionel Senanayake

It has been there
For countless centuries...
It will be there,
Eternally resplendent,
When we are gone.
Stone steps worn down
By myriad feet:
Young, old, feeble,
Nimble, strong and carefree.

Palace gardens, lotus ponds,
Adorned with art and sculpture.
Fortress or monastery,
Meditating, serene,...
Far above the forest trees,
Ablaze with the spark
Of dawn light and sunset fire.
Deer and monkeys gambolled
On the grass, feeding on plants,
Buds and berries
Sparkling in those woodlands.
Was it all created
By the spark of the genius
Or divine inspiration?
Jegatheeswari Nagendran

What is a spark?
A spark appears suddenly,
Causing excitement to those watching,
And just as suddenly

In a small, war ravaged isle,
Calmness suddenly takes the place
of chaos.
And we wait,
but anxious.
Oh, peace!
Are you just
a spark too?
Thushanthi De Silva

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