Mirror Magazine


What awaits you in the Year of the Goat

By Eleanor Phillips

The Chinese years

Rat 1900 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996
Ox 1901 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997
Tiger 1902 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998
Rabbit 1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999
Dragon 1904 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000
Snake 1905 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001
Horse 1906 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002
Goat 1907 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003
Monkey 1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992
Rooster 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993
Dog 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994
Pig 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995

The Chinese year is based on the lunar year and does not start until late January or early February. If your birthday falls in either of these months, you should check a Chinese calendar to see if your sign is correct. For example, if you were born on January 27, 1981, you were born under the sign of the monkey, which did not end until February 4, 1981.

The Rat
Rats are delightful creatures, clever and charming, never afraid of hard work and not one to miss an opportunity. Last year may have been a bit difficult for you, although you no doubt made the most of every chance you got to further your skills. Leave any disappointments behind you and look forward with enthusiasm to the Year of the Goat. Both your career and your personal life will make significant advances. There will be so much going on around you that you must take care not to over-stretch yourself - even a Rat needs to relax sometimes. Look after your health and keep a sensible eye on your money. Rats are generally thrifty, but when times are good, they can be extravagant. Whatever you achieve this year will stand you in good stead for many years to come.

Famous Rats: William Shakespeare, Gareth Gates, Geri Halliwell, Prince Charles

The Ox
Dependable and often a deep thinker, the Ox makes a good leader and will not easily be dissuaded once he has set his mind on something. The Year of the Goat offers you some interesting possibilities. Change does not always come happily to you, but this year you should be open to new challenges, particularly at work. You may have to fight for that promotion, or be willing to move house to get that job, but it will be worth it. And although work may seem all-consuming at times, be sure to give yourself some space - either with physical exercise or an artistic pursuit. You tend to stick with the friends you know well, but this year there will be an opportunity to widen your social circle. The Year of the Goat may make you feel unsettled at times, but you are strong enough to forge ahead and consolidate whatever gains come your way.

Famous Oxen: Bruce Springsteen, Anthony Hopkins, Napoleon, Gwyneth Paltrow

The Dragon
Success comes easily to Dragons. Outgoing and assertive, they are intelligent and confident in their own abilities. What befalls you during 2003 is really down to you. There will be plenty of opportunities, but will you be flexible enough to see them? Projects may be offered to you which may at first seem not worth your while, but don't be too quick to say no, particularly if you have a chance to further a skill or undertake some extra training. There may be some large expenses over the year, which is fine provided you have budgeted for them, but don't expect the money to just turn up out of the blue. Dragons are lucky, but even you have to keep an eye on finances this year. Keep a healthy balance between work and play. 2003 is well aspected for family and social life and if you are looking for a partner, this could be the year you find them.

Famous Dragons: Al Pacino, Queen Margarethe II of Denmark, David Hasselhoff, Sandra Bullock

The Rabbit
Rabbits are witty and love nothing better than a good conversation. You prefer harmony, beauty and home comforts to discord and ugliness. Rabbits rejoice - the Year of the Goat will be a happy time for you, offering you the stability you love and letting you feel secure enough to make changes where necessary. In fact, any changes you make this year will bring great benefits - fortune favours the brave! Try some lateral thinking and you may be surprised by the possibilities; maybe an interest or skill could provide you with a useful income. The Year of the Goat will be full of surprises and opportunity, but make sure you exercise your usual caution when it comes to financial matters. This is a good year also for those seeking partners.

Famous Rabbits: J. R. R. Tolkien, Tiger Woods, Whitney Houston, Kate Winslet

The Tiger
Confident and brave, the Tiger is also a good leader although he is more likely to take risks than an Ox. You like change, but will often start something and not complete it if you see something which looks more exciting. The Year of the Goat may seem a bit tame for the Tiger, and you may feel frustrated at times. But even though it may seem a quiet time, it is perfect for consolidating past leaps and for preparing for future opportunities. Learn new things and reflect on where you would like to go next. The Year of The Goat is a time for you to take pleasure in small things - finishing off a project, enjoy time with family and friends and pursue that hobby you have always wanted to try. Travel prospects are good and will bring happiness and fulfilment.

Famous Tigers: Richard Branson, Queen Elizabeth II, Robbie Williams, Victoria Beckham

The Dog
Honourable and a good judge of character, Dogs are friendly and always first to offer help when it is needed. You are not easily dissuaded once you have made your mind up to do something, and do well in careers where you feel you are of service! You may find yourself moving home, or making changes to your current house but the effort will pay off eventually. You may be tempted to neglect your social life because you are so busy, but don't cut yourself off completely. You may have some heavy expenditure during the year, but careful planning will keep you within your budget. The Year of the Goat may seem hard work with little free time, but you can be sure that there are better times ahead, and all you need to do now is what you do well - keep your head down and work hard.

Famous Dogs: Prince William, Sylvester Stallone, Susan Sarandon, Mother Teresa

The Goat
Goats don't like strict routine or discord, but are imaginative and easy-going, enjoying teamwork and perfectly capable of shows of dazzling brilliance when required. The Year of the Goat will help you in all areas of your life, but you need to organise yourself to make the most of all the opportunities around you. Family and social life are important to you, and this should be a happy year for social get-togethers. Quite a few unattached Goats may marry this year and those already married will find that they are much appreciated by their partners. Career advancement is quite likely - take advice if you are not sure how to proceed - and your income will improve as a result. Those of you not wishing to make major changes at home or work will nevertheless find that there are opportunities for improvement, particularly in areas involving creativity.

Famous Goats: Mel Gibson, Charles Dickens, Julia Roberts, Whoopi Goldberg

The Monkey
Monkeys are quick to learn and have a good memory. Friendly and talkative, they are good problem solvers and good organisers, even if others cannot always immediately see what they are doing. The Year of the Goat will prove an excellent time for you, provided you build on existing strengths and skills rather than launch out into the unknown. 2003 will be a good year financially, but hang on to some of the money which comes your way. Monkeys are not the best managers of money in the universe, and you may be tempted to fund your social life beyond your resources. There may be opportunities to meet new friends, but try not to run headlong into a relationship but let it blossom slowly. With a little self-discipline and planning, 2003 will be a good year for Monkeys and set down a basis for considerable progress in years to come.

Famous Monkeys: Jennifer Aniston, Kylie Minogue, Michael Schumacher, Timothy Dalton

The Snake
The Snake enjoys a challenge. Intelligent and deep thinkers, Snakes rarely make mistakes (except if they gamble - they are the worst gamblers in the universe). You may appear reserved or evasive, but this is because Snakes are careful about who they trust and rarely indulge in idle gossip. This will be a busy year socially, with lots of opportunities for you to make the most of your organisational abilities. 2003 will offer romantic opportunities for unattached Snakes, so be prepared to let down that reserve and let your good qualities shine through. Career prospects are good, and anything that involves creativity or imagination. Pace yourself and build on present strengths rather than take risks. Keep a rein on your finances or money will slip through your fingers like sand this year.

Famous Snakes: Brad Pitt, Mahatma Gandhi, Oprah Winfrey, Pablo Picasso

The Horse
Horses are never short of friends. You enjoy being with other people and have a wide variety of interests. Freedom is important to those born under the sign of the Horse, and you can become restless, especially if fenced in by rules and regulations. The year will be a good one for you, especially if you take stock early in the year and decide where you want to be in twelve months' time. Whether it is moving house or changing job, time spent deciding exactly what you want will be well rewarded. Career prospects are good, and even though you may need persistence to get what you want, the opportunity is there for you. Love and marriage could be on the agenda for unattached Horses, and a holiday could be particularly rewarding.

Famous Horses: John Travolta, Will Young, Barbra Streisand, Bob Geldof

The Rooster
Roosters are often colourful personalities, great organisers and intelligent, using their many resources to help those less fortunate. They can be ambitious too, and hate inefficiency in themselves or others. 2002 may have presented the Rooster with some difficulties, but now is a time to draw a line in the sand and move on. The Year of the Goat will offer you the possibility of advancement at work and the chance to get out of the rut you may feel you have been stuck in. Your planning and leadership skills will be appreciated this year, but make sure you don't throw money into hastily conceived projects. Spendthrift Roosters take note! Take advantage of any chance to improve your education and you will be well rewarded in the future. This could be a busy year for you, so make some time for rest and relaxation. A good year for making new friends - and maybe meeting someone very special

Famous Roosters: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Britney Spears, Steve Martin, Michael Caine

The Pig
Honest and understanding, the Pig is good company and a hard worker. And although you work hard, you know how to enjoy yourself as well. The Year of the Goat looks good for you with a particularly enjoyable social life - forget past disappointments and look forward to new friendships and even romance. Advancement at work will bring extra income, but Pigs are exceedingly good at spending money - do try to keep your expenditure below your income. Because you are so good at organising activities, those around you sometimes forget that you might need some help. Don't be shy about asking for help, it will be willingly given and everyone will have a good time. Opportunities for advancement or a change of career may not be plentiful, but they are there, so be ready to take action when necessary.

Famous Pigs: Steven Spielberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hillary Clinton, Natassja Kinski

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