
A. Tata, one of Asia's top businessman and head of India's
Tata Group met Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe at Temple
Trees on Thursday, during a visit to Sri Lanka. The mega Asian
businessman is looking at new business opportunities here
triggered by the peace process. Pic. by Ishara S. Kodikara.
The Sunday Times Business Club
The next meeting of The Sunday Times Business Club hosted
by the Trans Asia hotel will be held on Wednesday, February 26 at
5.45 pm at the hotel. A panel discussion on the country's law and
order situation and its impact on the economy, will be held. The
panelists are Kalinga Indatissa, secretary Bar Association, Tom
Ellawela, chairman C.W. Mackie and head of a Ceylon Chamber sub-committee
on Law and Order, and Chandra Fernando, senior DIG of Police.